Vaxines… JESUS said…”No Flesh be Saved”…!

In Mathew 24 vs. 22, JESUS warns us That in the end Times, something will threaten “All Flesh”…every human being.

And JESUS warned us specifically…Do NOT be Decieved…”Tricked”…!… Mathew 24 vs.4

And JESUS warned us specifically about Pestelences…COVID is a Pestelence Plague…!…Mathew 24 vs.7

And JESUS warned us specifically about Sorceries… Sorceries (The New Testament was written in Greek) is Pharmakeous in Greek…which is Pharmacy and Vaxines…!… Revelation 18 vs.23

Note to readers from The USA…you are the one Country Globally with the Main Target on your backs ..this because of your Constitution…!… that’s your protection…but Biden and Company are trying to Rip it to Shreds…!…be aware ..and Beware…and no…I am not a US Citizen…nor do I live in The USA…!…but from afar, this could not be more obvious…!

And JESUS warned us specifically about Mystery Babylon being Taken down…The USA is a Part of Mystery Babylon…how…by Sorceries…Big Pharma…!… Revelation 18

Note: Use King James Bible only…!

So Culminating will these threatening events be that, ” If The Days of what JESUS called “Sorrow”….were not shortened by GOD…”No Human Flesh would be Saved.

Note Specifically… JESUS always talked about Things of The Spirit ..our Souls ..BUT…!!!…not in THIS Case!!!…HE is specifically warning us of things that can “KILL YOUR…FLESH… your Body…!…are we all awake…!

These elements of Trickery that JESUS is speaking of has captivated the attention and curiosity of Bible readers for Centuries…wondering what will this be…?

So what could this event be…?!?

Taken literally, this means that 8 Billion people will be at risk…the population of The entire Planet…!?!

In thinking through the possibilities, other than a Nuclear Holocaust, I couldn’t think of what JESUS was referring to…until today.

In reviewing a quote from CEO of One America, Life Insurance Underwriters in Indiana, I learned that:

  • there had been a 41% Rise in Death Rates in People aged 18 – 64 in just one year…this is unheard of in the Industry
  • COVID 19 Death Rated Lowered in 2021 so COVID 19, as a cause of these Deaths can be ruled out
  • These are the Highest Death Rates in The History of The Life Insurance Industry

So… JESUS warned us of a tribulation that was not seen since The Beginning of The World…and now we have Death rates not seen in The Life Insurance Industry…EVER…!!!

So is this what JESUS was warning us about…well…in context… in just Mathew 24 JESUS warns us about The Abomination of Desolation (Islam and The Dome of The Rock Mosque) and in verse 7 He warns us about Wars and Pestelences…which means Plagues and Pandemic.

So, we have been specifically warned about Pandemic…and here we find ourselves in the middle of a pan or more likely planed Pandemic ..but death rates from COVID are extremely low…JESUS said…

No Flesh be Saved

Note that He didn’t say The Jews…or…The Saints…or The Elect…HE said No Flesh… means everyone…so the only other thing associated with COVID that has the potential to kill everyone is Vacines…and the COVID Vaxine mandate looks like it will target everyone…all 8 Billion people if Big Pharma gets its wishes.

So…no surprise that in reading more of One America Report, that it goes on to point The Finger directly at COVID 19 Vaccines…!

And here is a 12 second clip featuring The Director General of The World Health Organization stating that some countries are giving boosters to Children to Kill them…!


For those who do not know, Graphine Oxide is an ingredient in the Vaxine…Graphine is conductive…it can act like an antenna…and…for those who do not know the COVID “End Game”, they want to get the RFiD Obamacare Microchip into your right hand…

then the Graphine will work hand n hand with the RFID to propegate radio signals…then because this RFID is 5G, it will automatically interface with all smart devices to create a Tracking Matrix… that’s how they will control you. ..and you vaxination status…!

Graphine will also shut down your organs…also…take a look at this newborn baby, born from a mom who took the Vaxine…the black graphine oxide in the Vaxine turned this baby’s eyes black…and the whites of her eyes black…I could cry…but that’s what we are dealing with folks.

So let’s think about it… JESUS also warned of Wars…and the Bible warns of a Star falling from Heaven called Wormwood…which translated into Ukrainian is Chernobyl…as in Nuclear Chernobyl.

So, how would I summarize Wormwood…well The Powers of The New World Order just went to great lengths to plan COVID, and trick the entire planet…so my take on Wormwood…I believe that the Democrats in Power in Washington will never ever relinquish power again…and just like COVID and The Election Fixing to oust Trump, they will stop at Nothing to retain power…so…my take…I believe wholeheartedly that the New World Order Mingons and Democrats and Some Republicans will detonate a Nuclear War Head, or Several in the USA.

Biden is Pushing at Russia…we have been Russiaed to Death in the Media for 5 years…so The Democrat New World Order Mingons will detonate in Democrat Controlled State or City…and Blame it on Trump and Russia…(this is being written January 16th 2022)…they need to discredit Trump so he doesn’t come back to politics…and also just as the COVID agenda commenced just in time to disrupt the Presidential Election, this will likely happen pre 2024.

Ok Back to Vacines…

  • If a Doctor questions the Vaccines ..they are Silenced
  • Death rated from the Vaccine are largely hidden because Big Pharma and Big Media are Controlled by the same $$$ Group
  • Bill Gates is on record stating that The Population of the Planet is un-sustainable and he would like to see it at around 500 Million…so to accomplish this 7.5 Billion people would have to be eliminated…now that’s talking the Numbers that JESUS warned us of…!…are we all Awake…??? In listening to this man, I find an arrogance and a very slick tongue…a decietfull tongue…and although we don’t know his Spiritual disposition, perhaps we can get a good idea from his now x wife…here she is wearing an upsidedown cross, which is a salute to Satan…!

So…you will never hear the true death rates from Vacines …!…otherwise you would run from Big Pharma and They would be exposed…they want you sick, crippled or dead…!

So…for example…if every Country on the Planet mandated vaxinnes…which is starting to happen …and death rates, seemingly out of nowhere start materializing, then collectively…we would have a “Vaxine for Death Mandate”…and if Government’s pushed hard enough, like the G7 Nations are…then slowly (maybe not so slowly) death rates would skyrocket…!…and as time went on…like JESUS said…unless those days were shortened…No flesh would survive…!…and…BIG Pharma would just pull another COVID varient out of their bag of tricks…and place the blame on the new hoax varient…but they would come up with another Booster Shot for you ..isn’t that nice of them…!

So…for starters, If life insurance companies are pointing the finger at Vaxines, we should listen…they know…that’s their business…so,  if you are pro- Vax…and are vocal about it, then maybe when no one is looking or listening, you might want to quickly close your mouth,   and Read this again…!…after all, no one wants to volentarily brag about how I’ll informed they are…!

To be this uniformed, you have to be sucked into listening your local news ..also owned by BIG Pharma…Hello…are we waking up now…or ordering your coffin…?!?

If on the other hand you are quietly going along with this Vaxine Ride of your Life ..then…in the Strongest possible terms…I warn you to STOP…!

So, what’s Biden’s next move now that The supreme Court has ruled against Biden and his Vaxination Mandate…to me, this now looks simple and automatic…!

Tha main reason that Obama Care was Legislated was to get into Law, the requirement, that in a Medical Emergency The Federal Government can force you to be RFID microchiped …! I mentioned this earlier…but what you need to realize is That it is US Law NOW…

Obamacare Legislation, HR 3962 and HR 3200 Section 2571 Sub Section B

the New World Order Mingons and Biden can now simply say…You must be Microchiped…and all Biden has to do is say 2 words:

Enforce It…!

No Court Case Required…no debate…no fuss…just…Enforce The Obamacare Law…! For all of the Obama Fans reading this…

This… Is how HE Tricked You…!

And some people wonder why Obama is now a Multi Multi Millionaire…Hello…!


I believe that what JESUS warned us about, will be the Never Ending Roll out of COViD Vacines and Boosters. They are already staring to cramb them into you…this will intensify until… GOD puts an end to it…and it’s going to get very ugly…read my previous Blog Post…The Beast Harlot and Whore of Revelation 17…!…but…the Microchip is where this will end…it is written…it’s in the Bible…it must happen…and nothing can stop it… Revelation 13…!

I mentioned earlier that I am not a US citizen…and don’t live in the USA…and…because of this I must point out one more glaring observation from afar…You elected a President with The Heart of a Home Town Lion…and He tried desperately to get rid of Obamacare…but couldn’t…then the majority of you listened to CNN and many other Mainstream News Outlets….

Russia Russia Russia, Stormy Stormy Stormy, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, Impeach impeach Impeach…all proven lies now…But, you then…

…ran your President out of Town… seriously friends…you got completely sucked in…tricked…again…Sad but True…!…but that reinforces what’s in The Bible…The Mark of The Beast Will Happen…!

And what happens if you don’t take The Microchip / Mark of the Beast…?…The Bible says you will be Killed…!…So…you get Vaxed, your dead…you don’t take the Microchip…your Dead…I believe “ThIS” is what JESUS warned us about…! Are we all awake now ..!?!

For those of you who do not know, Congress took the Microchip ID out of Obamacare, then passed the Legislation…then…Obama himself signed it into Law by Executive Order…this was his main mission for The New World Order…they absolutely needed this piece of The COVID puzzle, ” In Place and into Law”…!

Another major contributing piece of the COVID puzzle was put in place by Congress in 1986 when they gave The Vaxine Industry “Immunity” from Prosecution. This Immunity was subject to Congress conducting annual safety checks on Vaxines to keep The Vaxine Industry honest ..but…NOT ONE SAFETY CHECK HAS BEEN CONDUCTED SINCE THE LEGISLATION WAS PASSED…HELLO…!

Collectively, this gave The New World Order the license to absolutely run amuck…which is Now, exactly what they have done…!

Add it all together, and what do you find…oh…this is all from The Nazi Playbook…Hitler convinced The Germans that the Jews were unclean…and sent them to quarantine camps…of course The German People cheered Hitler on…! Now Biden will do the same thing…The un-vaxed are unclean… let’s quarantine them…then, like Jews, everyone will be dead…and most of The Vaxinated will Cheer on Biden…! Play’s already happening ..

Then, one day, it won’t be The USA Army saving un-vaxed, like they saved the JEWS in Germany and Poland…no…It will be JESUS coming in The Clouds to absolutely take down and decimate The Wicked…!

It’s Written…It must / will happen…!!!

One more thing… Hitler sucked the Germans into giving up their Guns …Hello all you Second Amendment advocates BIDEN already wants your Guns…so…um….it may as well be…Over my Dead Body ..cause…they are going to kill everyone anyways…just Make sure you Recieve and know JESUS first…! ..or you are literal Toast…!

As I mentioned in my book, Hilary’s USA would have been The 4th Reich…now Biden is taking care of it…now that they got Trump out of the way…!…Here is Hilary’s play book…now Biden’s…!

Click on…” Be Right with GOD” on the main menu…so be sure your destiny is with JESUS…and not Satan…!…because that is the only two places you can end up ..!

Wake up People… Revelation 18 vs. 23 says that The Nations have been Tricked…by Sorceries…in Greek…is Pharmakeous…by Pharmacy…don’t get Tricked…learn what’s going on…!!!

Read the Blog Post below: Understanding the Beast and Mother…

And here is some excellent video confirmation of this Global Vacines… Listen and Learn…


More to follow…