Dedicated to Joe Rogan in his search for Perfect Bible Truth…with Special thanks to …The Courageous, Mel Gibson… “Did you…
The WOKE Hour of “Temptation” Posted April 16, 2023 I went on You Tube Last night and once again was…
PART One In Revelation 10 vs. 6 we learn that time will stop…that is to say …that there should be…
Click on…”Be right with GOD…on the main menu……to be sure you are ready to meet your maker…!
Introduction Many Preachers and False Teachers alike talk about Persecution and Tribulation as portrayed in The Bible (use Authorized King…
Prophesy Timelines My good friend asked me to explain the Prophetic Day = Year Timeline. Now, he is a Pastor…
In Mathew 24 vs. 22, JESUS warns us That in the end Times, something will threaten “All Flesh”…every human being.…