The END, before our very Eyes

Dedicated to Cynthia in Oregon…

“Did you say Pharmakia”…?

….And…Davy, Deborah, Steve, Curtis, and all web site visitors from San Jose, China, Russia, Germany and around the world…..!!!…to all of you…my dearest Friends…!

It is now almost 12 months since I posted anything on my blog. In essence, I don’t write unless the Holy Spirit prompts me…also…I am not a content creator…the Authorized King James Version of The Bible is my sole content…and it says clearly in this Bible that the Holy Spirit will teach me “all” things…I completely rest in that…this assures you, that I’m not looking for content or likes or donation…really i am looking for nothing…I simply am sharing what GOD has shown me…period.!

I truly feel ultra blessed that the LORD has revealed so very much to me in Bible Prophesy. My sole motivation in the development of this site…(Since 2017)…is and has been to show you through Bible Prophesies / predictions, that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible is The Living Breathing Truthful Word of the One and ONLY GOD of The Universe…and…I pray that HE would touch your heart and deliver you from all and every evil…and show you the way home…through HIS Son JESUS…Amen…!

Thanks to all Visitors

So this is just a simple thank you to all visitors…and a final warning of where we are prophetically…I cannot overstate this…I am not a date setter, never have been…but I cannot deny the dates in the Bible that point at our time in history and that we are amazingly blessed to be alive right now…it’s fascinating to watch things happen on the news that were predicted in the Holy Bible over 2000 years ago…!

It is also a re- affirming of everything written on this site…!…all of which I stand firm on…and profess to you that you can too. I pray frequently only for GODs Truth…and if I am wrong, that HE admonish me instantly…never ever wanting to be wrong.

The bottom line through all the complexities of the Bible and it’s amazing prophesies is to be sure that you are ready to meet your Maker…JESUS called HIM, “Our Father”…and to be able to meet Our Father, you must be ready…repent of your sins in prayer to JESUS…and believe that He was raised from the Dead…and sits at the Right hand of GOD now… listening to you and to me…like…right now…!

Amazing Bible Prophesies

So…where are we prophetically…??…today, right now?

Let’s start with Israel, which is all over the News today…and allow me please to identify 2 exact prophetic dates.

(1) This is from Daniel 11 and 12. Chapter 11 vs. 31 speaks of the placement (building) of the Abomination of Desolation, this is The Satanic Islamic Dome of the Rock Mosque which sits on The Temple Mount, in Jerusalem Today…much more on this in the following.

For those who do not know, The very existence of this Satanic Mosque / Shrine, being located on GODS Temple Mount is an Abomination to GOD…also…there are references of Islamic inscription on the walls of the Dome noting 666 with Allah…also…an Islamic inscription stating that GOD did not have a Son…the ultimate “Abomination”. This Collective group of Abominations was the start of Desolation of The Temple Mount and Israel, where the Jews were Scattered throughout The  World…!…hence the Name JESUS gave us in Mathew…”The Abomination of (Scattering) Desolation”…!

The Dome was Built by Islam’s Califfe Malik in 688 AD…with this reference date (688) we can now have a start date for many Bible Prophesies…for example …In  Chapter 12 vs.8 we learn of Daniels question as to how long before the end of the Wonders and Wars in the preceding verses…the answer from the angel is 1290 days…( prophetically 1290 years / verse 11) from the Building of The Abomination of Desolation, so let’s do the Math…688 plus 1290 years is 1978…so what happened in 1978…?…On September 17th…

…Jimmy Carter, Menakin Begin and Anuar Sadat signed a Peace Treaty under a red Blood Moon…a sign from GOD and The amazing Fulfilment of this Prophesy…!

(2) In Verse 12 we are told that “blessed is he that waits and comes to the 1335th year…this would be 2023…and, on October 28th, Benjamin Netanyahu stood before the World News Media and declared something that Israel had never done before in many wars against Islam…He said..

This Time…

“Not until they are all Dead”..!

…and once again, a Red Blood Moon appeared in The sky as he Spoke these Words. Once again, a fulfilment of this Prophesy…!

The Bible predicts a time like this in Isaiah 34 vs.8 where we learn of the Day of The LORDs Vengeance and a year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion (Israel).

Then in Ezekiel 38 vs. 1-4, we learn that The LORD himself will “put hooks into thy (Islam’s)  Jaws and bring them forth into battle against Israel…then in Ezekiel 39 vs. 3-6 we learn that GOD himself shall cause this onslaught from Islam to fail miserably in the North Mountains of Israel.

The above is one prophesy I have never written about until now…this prophesy which I believe has now started tells us that we are very close to The End Times as predicted in The Bible…all of which I explain in detail in the following…

… but first,…Today…December 10, 2024 Bible Prophesy is being fulfilled as Syria has Fallen…and The Governing regime has fled to Moscow. We are watching the prophesy in Isaiah 17 vs. 1 unfold before our very eyes where we learn that Damascus will cease from being a city…and become a Ruinous Heap ( of ruble)…

Damascus / Obliterated

So, as you read on you will see how Israel, Rome, Islam and The USA are at the forefront of Bible Predictions…and that together with Bible prophesy we will learn of just how prominent Globalism is portrayed in the Bible, in the end times.


The whole world will come unglued now…all revolving around the USA election….I hate to make it sound so simple, but it is…and the reason is simple as well…the rest of the planet is weak and attainable to any adversary…but the USA has a Constitution…and until it is 100 % dismantled, which the Democrats and bureaucrats are trying desperately to do…the New World Order ( elimination of the Sovereignty of all Nations) and it’s agenda cannot be implemented …and… it’s all written in the Bible…please read on.

I will reiterate 3 verses from Daniel chapter 11 vs. 36 – 45 and chapter 12 vs. 1 and 2…these are profound for all of us today!!!…please allow me to explain.

Starting with Daniel 11 vs. 36 – 44 we learn of a new King which is Hitler, (see the home page book on details of how we can know this is Hitler Part / Chapter 19) then in his estate, Prescot Bush, a Banker who financed Hitler, (and later prosecuted for doing so) and then USA Presidents and the Gulf War.

In verse 45 then President Trump plants the USA Embassy ( Tabernacle of His Palace…His Royal Tent) in Jerusalem…then Daniel 12 vs.1…and you have to go to the Strongs dictionary and Greek Bible to find this…”a time of Trouble in a foreign gentile nation because of tightness ( friction) …and a female rival”…this is Kamala…then the very next verse…the rising of the dead because JESUS has returned…!

Think about it, 3 verses back to back to back…The Embassy, The 2024 Election, and return of JESUS…!…much more detail on this as you read below…

Three Headed Eagle

I will now add something very few people are aware of… something that I have learned just recently…much to my surprise…!

The Authorized King James Version of the Bible ( the only one you should read) once had more books in it called, the Apocrypha…and in it is a prophesy about a 3 Headed Eagle…

…I have learned through my 8 year analysis of The Bible, that the Eagle in the prophesies of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible is The USA, this is indisputable…

So, the following is from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible/ Apocrypha…

…in short, this 3 headed eagle is everything I have written on this site… prophetically speaking….the 3 headed eagle is the 3 elements of The New World Order… Downtown London (not a Part of Great Britain), The Vatican ( not a part of Italy) and Washington DC, which is not a part of The USA…!….did you know this…?

…and…all 3 have a GOATs Penis as their monument…(Did you know that the Washington Monument was a symbol of a Goats Penis…?)…and also…that the GOAT god from the Bible is Called Baphomet, whom the wicked Worshiped in the Bible. Few People realize this, that the heralded and adored Washington Monument is a symbol of the Wicked Biblical Goat Penis from the Bible… that Freemasons and Rome adores…today…are we all getting this…???…and…note the 666 dimensions…!

Ok, back to our 3 headed eagle……..This prophetic eagle has feathers on it depicting US Presidents and their terms… and climaxes quite definitively with this coming election, where it is predicted that both candidates…Kamala and Trump will be devoured by this prophetic eagle, the Globalist Deep State…and now that Trump has won the election and taken office we should watch closely what they will throw at him…they have already sued him, tried to impeach him, tried to keep him off the Election Ballet and Shot at him…so…what will be next…?

Ultimately, at some point…the Deep State FBI, DOJ, CIA and New World Order will openly rule and govern the Country.

The Stage is set…think of the 3 verses above and this prophesy…!?!

Connect the dots to Rome

Revelation 17 teaches us about the Whore in Rome…The Vatican, also a part of the deep state…The Mother of Harlots / Whores., also known as Babylon…..and did you ever notice that each President of the USA goes to meet the Pope in Rome, that’s because Rome and the Jesuits controls Washington DC…also known as Mystery Babylon…which is also know as the Whore, the Daughter of The Mother of Harlots…complete with the Whore Isis Statue in New York Harbour…yes, the Statue of Liberty…!

And Rome is responsible for the many misleading versions of the Bible….including yes, your NIV…!…use The Authorized King James Version only…!…why…???

If I would have used a version of the Bible other than The Authorized King James Version, there is no way to figure out many, if not all of the prophesies defined in this Blog Post…why…KEY WORDS have been changed…….It is those Key Words that allowed me to connect the Dots of Bible Prophesy, with The Leading of The Holy Spirit…!…ok, back to The Three Headed Eagle.

Very telling that Jerome of Vatican Rome  kept the Apocrypha in their Whore Bibles, but took the Eagle Prophesy out…!…Why…???…because the Eagle Prophesy exposes Rome as the One World Whore Religion of The New World Order…and… confirms that the Vatican is One of the Three Heads on this Prophetic Eagle.

The Deep“Swampy”State

So, how will the Deep State keep Trump from retaining office now that he has been sworn in……I believe wholeheartedly that, ” but for the hand of GOD”,… there will be a false flag… just like COVID was carefully scheduled and introduced just before 2020…i believe that this false flag will be The Star falling from Heaven, depicted in Revelation 18…and, Mystery Babylon…the USA will burn from the detonation of a Nuclear Bomb…I believe the Left, and Deep State and New World Order will be responsible for the detonation….they will do it in New York or Washington DC and blame it on Trump and Putin. The New World Order Minions have been pushing at Putin and Russia for years…now Putin has his nuclear submarines docked in Cuba…shall we say, ” The Stage is set” for perhaps the biggest false flag in human history…!…and now just after Trump’s Election win, Biden has authorized a long range mistle attack on Russia…now the Stage is really set…!

They may very well take out Trump in this False Flag attack…and…in keeping with that possibility, the Eagle Prophesy’s finally assertion, is that The Deep State devours both Candidates…Kamala has lost…now…let’s watch as they mount new attacks on Trump……The New World Order more than hates Trump…!!!

This is the exact time for the Deep State to act…why…Trump will now expose and slow / stop their progress and determination to take down the constitution and the USA.

Keep your eyes open…and…Pray to JESUS, be ready…check the link on the main menu…” How to be Right with GOD”…

…and beware and be aware…that the left,  and the Deep State are trying to convince you into hate ..just pure hate…hate the USA, hate white people, hate the constitution, hate Love itself, hate Trump and anything MAGA…hate hate hate…hate is from Below…the Pit of hell.. don’t hate…stop hating…!!!

Trump’s Swamp is Daniels 4th Beast

For those who do not know, The New World Order must take down the USA Constitution, in order to finally push for Global Governance….this is the only thing holding them back…be aware…and understand emphatically that they will do anything to now get Trump from the Presidency…anything…!!!..!…are you getting this..!?!…also please understand that when Trump says ..”Drain The Swamp”…he is talking about The 4th Terrible Beast in Daniel Chapter 7 vs. 23…this Beast is the Deep State, The United Nations and the Globalists who are doing everything to Kill the USA and The Planet…!…that’s what Trump is fighting…the Prophetic Beast of Daniel 7 that shall devour the whole earth (Globalism)…tread it down and break it in pieces….as described in Daniel 7…so can we see evidence of this happening right now…of course…The United Nations has adopted a Global Plan devised by (Who Else) The Whore in Rome, written by The Club of Rome…The following is their intented outcome of (as Daniel States) The breaking into pieces of The Planet by This 4th Terrible Beast.

Note that there are Ten Regions to the Planet in This Plan… This is a direct confirmation found in Revelation 17 vs. 12 where we learn of the 10 Horns which are The 10 Kings with no Kingdom yet…that ladies and gentleman is their exact plan for Globalism…meaning…no more Canada, no more USA…!…also, there is more definitive proof of this emerging Globalism in the Bible…please read on, Friends…!

The Jackpot

So let’s Summarize…Biden and Company, Clinton, Obama…and likely 50% + of all of Washington Politicians are Mysteriously now Multi Millionaires….how…?…they have sold out the USA to Globalism… that’s why the Left has only one Talking Point…”Hate Trump”…period…because he is Pro USA…Plain and Simple…period…Full Stop…🛑…!…Kamala had no policies for the American Electret…why…because there isn’t going to be a USA…and The Bible Profoundly Confirms It…!

Now…back to Revelation 17…now verse 13 – 16…where THIS ENTIRE SITE IS Clarified, JUSTIFIED AND Verified…!…READ ON…Friends…!

In these verses we learn that the ONLY reason for The Entire Globalisation Program is to take Power from “We The People / The Constitution)…and give it to The 10 Kings which in turn…give it right back to The Beast…why….Because The 10 Kings will “Hate’ The Whore, Mystery Babylon, The USA…and Burn her with Fire… 🔥 …and to do so, Will make war with The Lamb of GOD ” JESUS”…but JESUS will overcome them and their Wicked Agenda…!

This is a perfect depiction of where The USA is today and exactly what The USA citizens are battling….it’s not just broken promises any more…All Lies…It’s a complete take down and desimation of The Entire USA and The Constitution…!…and near 50% of the USA population don’t realize that The USA is going down…Will Burn……and the ones promoting it…have been bought…$$$…and paid for to accomplish it…!…but read on…there is more Bible Truth on Globalism…!

This ‘take down” of The USA is also confirmed in Revelation 18, where the economy of Mystery Babylon is “front and center” for the entire Chapter. This is where we learn of all the imports brought to the USA will cease…and The Sailors in Great Ships of The Sea, will keep their Ships far off shore as they watch The USA Burn…!

4 x 1 = 1…!…???

In Daniel Chapter 7, we are introduced to 4 Beasts…

(1) The Lion Beast with Eagles Wings that were plucked off…this is Great Britain and the Wings were plucked off in The USA war of independence where The USA Prevailed and took the Eagles Wings as their permanent National Symbol.

(2) The Bear Beast with 3 Ribs in its mouth…this is the Prussia Beast, which Became Germany and the 3 Ribs are symbolic for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reich…this Beast was Commanded to Devour much Flesh…which is all that each phase of the Reich did.

(3) The Leopard Beast with 4 Heads and 4 wings…this hearkens back Back to the 4 Generals who took over from Alexander the Great…Daniel 11 vs. 3 – 4…4 heads and four wings…and today depict the Caucation White Man…who dominates the Planet, like the verse says “Dominion was given to it.

(4) A diverse Beast…different from the other 3…this diversity is The United Nation with its 192 member Nations…the final Beast on Earth.

So how does this add up to Globalism…??? Simple…add up the number of Heads on the 4 Beasts in Daniel…there are 7…now we go to Revelation 13 vs. 1 where a Seven Headed Beast arises from the Sea…I believe this is The Shoreline of The USA…( More on this to follow)… this is the Bible telling us that the 4 Beasts of Daniel are now come together as one Beast…with the Same 7 Heads …this is the Globalist One World / New World Order Beast…Globalism…but there more proof found in Revelation 12 vs. 3 where learn of a Great Red Dragon ..with 7 heads with Crowns on them ( they are the Rulers)… and 10 Horns with no crowns…but just 18 verses later in Revelation 13 vs. 1 this same Beast is depicted with seven heads and ten horns, now…with the Crowns on The 10 Horns, not the 7 heads……so what has happened…the New World Order has culminated on Earth, and the proposed 10 regions of The Globalist Plan have come into being…hence, the 10 Horns now have The Crowns…!..which fulfills the Prophesy of Revelation 17 vs. 12 – 14…

…but there is more…note the New Statue in New York depicting all the attributes of these 4 Beasts…!…

…and where can this Statue be found…???…where else…The UnitedNations…!!!

This Globalist agenda ( The Left wants it, and the outcome for The USA would be The Fourth Reich) … (Trump is fighting it like a Lion, all Pro-USA)…is all culminating in the streets of the USA, where the division and hate for now just 2 opposing sides is cavernous, and likely irreversible…but it’s not too late…JESUS said there will be a time of Tribulation just before His Return…

…there is no timeframe in The Authorized King James Version of the Bible regarding how long this tribulation may last…( Some mistakenly say 7 years, pointing at Daniel 9 vs 27, but Daniels final week / 7 is the 7 Times Curse against the Jews in Leviticus 26)…and has nothing to do with this tribulation timeframe…!…Daniel confirms this Curse from GOD for us in Daniel 9 vs. 11…and in Malachi 2 vs.2 it states…that GOD has Cursed them already…because …why…?…BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT TAKE GOD SERIOUSLY / Lay it to heart…so, it’s astonishing how wrong some preachers are…totally decieved…!

But Tribulation will come, JESUS warned us, and the New World Order will see to it…but it’s still not too late, as Revelation 7 vs. 13 +14 tells us that many will wash their symbolic robes, having been stained with sinfulness here on earth…and shall appear in Heaven…after going through this time of Tribulation…so share the Light and Love of JESUS…!…do it now…get bold…the Holy Spirit will teach you as you go.

Mark of The Beast

A big part of this Tribulation is the deployment of The Mark of The Beast (Rome)…found in Obamacare:

HR 3962 and HR 3200 Section 2571 Subsection B

and already USA Law…it’s a 5G transceiver microchip for your right hand…

…and will replace your debit and credit cards and your cash being outlawed in favour of a trackable digital currency. It is described as an emergency medical device in Obamacare tied directly to ongoing and un-ending Vaccinations…and as Revelation 13 says…you will not be able to buy or sell…(Groceries, gas) Without the Mark of the Beast…!…also…did you know that Facebook was developed solely for Facial recognition of…”YOU”…did you know that every selfie is in a New World Order Database…!!!…so they can track you and your every move…run from Facebook and run from Rome…!!!…and run from…they just want your DNA.

The Planets Biggest Deceiver

For those who do not already know…The Planets biggest nightmare is USA Big Pharma…just look at the Snake on their logo…

COVID was Predicted

…vividly described in Revelation 18 vs. 23 as Sorceries in Greek…translated to Pharmakia or Pharmacy and as the verse says…Big Pharma tricked every nation on the planet into making their citizens take the COVID  Jab…!…all preplanned and Satanic…and who did this…Anthony Faucie…who just yesterday was pardoned by Biden for any crimes he has committed…likely many…!

So to be clear, the entire manmade and strategically scheduled COVID agenda was deployed to scare you enough to take the Vaccines…and why… what’s in the Vaccine…?…Black Graphene Oxide…!…Why…?… Black Graphene Oxide is conductive…

…You will be Digitized

…it turns your body into an antennae…why would they do that…?…your now conductive body will now work nicely with The Obamacare Microchip as a complete radio Transceiver ..!…and then…they can track your every move as your body will now transmit its location everytime you walk through any Wi-Fi hot spot or past a smart fridge, smart TV…and now, any time you pass by another 5G cell phone user…this is a complete tracking matrix……!…why…to Control you…it’s all about Control…!

Unending Vaccines

The only reason you will “NEVER” hear the end of vaccination…is because they need you as full of Black Graphene Oxide as they can…more antenna signal strength…and Graphene Oxide will wreak havok on your entire body…sickness is the only outcome!

Please understand that BIG Pharma needs you as sick as possible…so they can help you…!?!?!…are you getting this…!!?!!

Ok, the Vax is not the Mark of the Beast…the Microchip is…The Bible says if you knowingly take the Mark in your right hand, or the Elon Musk Neurolink in your forehead… Revelation 14 vs.9…(Mark of The Beast in The Forehead)

…and worship the Pope…you cannot escape Hell as your destiny…and, of course, this assertion labels the Pope as MR. 666…which is easily verifiable…just look at his Crown, proudly displaying Vacarivs Filii Dei…!

Exactly as the Bible says…Count the number of The Beast (in what…hello…Roman Numerals / Rome’s Counting System…! )…for it is the number of a man, and this number is 666…!…but there is more proof…in Revelation 17 vs. 10+11 we learn that there will be 7 Kings / Popes commencing In 1929 when Italy gave the Vatican it’s sovereignty….and that the seventh Pope would serve only for a short space (of time)…this was Benedict who abdicated early…verse 11 tells us that the eighth Pope “IS” The Beast…this is Francis……Are we all awake…!?!

But there is still more proof that The Roman Catholic Church…is the Beast of Revelation 13 vs. 4 – 10 where we learn that this Beast that killed the Saints in The Dark Ages…literally burned millions of Christians at the Stake…did so and was given power to do so for 42 months….now, in Ezekiel 4 vs. 6 we learn the day for a year prophesy / principal…which in the case of the Beasts reign for 42 months is exactly 1260 days but prophetically 1260 years…so…???…how do we prove this out…?

Firstly…the Gregorian calendar is the Harlots (Pope Gregory) Calendar…so it’s a false calendar…the Bible calendar is based on 30 days each month…so back to The Beast and his Reign of Terror for 42 months…and how do we prove this out…?…The Papacy commenced in 538 AD…and was unceremoniously brought to an abrupt end in 1798…when a French General dragged the the last Pope to prison where he died…so…42 months…1260 days…is 1260 years. Prophetically…538 AD – 1798 AD…exactly 1260 years / 42 months….Run like Hell from Rome…Run as fast as you can …this Beast is the embodiment of Satan…literally…Run…!!!

The True Sabbath

Now…while we are on The Whore Gregorian calendar, let’s clarify when the Sabbath is…Christians say Sunday and call it ” The LORDs Day”……Seventh Day Adventists say Saturday…THEY ARE. BOTH. DEAD. WRONG…why…???… because they both use the Whore Calender…!…So, when is the Sabbath…???… it’s precisely on the Quarter, Half, Three Quarter and Full Moon Phases of the 🌒  Moon…!…and based, once again on the Bible Calendar…so, the True Sabbath falls on every day of the Week on the Gregorian calendar throughout the year. Today is September 28th 2024, the Sabbath was last Wednesday…now you know…this is not open for discussion…if if you use the whore Calender from Rome, you get Whore Results…period…full stop…!!!…nothing wrong with celebrating The Lord’s Day on Sunday or Saturday….I celebrate it every day…!…but nowhere are we called to celebrate the Lord’s Day in the Bible…we are however Commanded to remember The Sabbath and keep it Holy…!!…I will add a link to the Bible Calender below:

Time, Times and Half a Time

One more clarification while we are discussing the Bible Calendar…have you ever wondered what it meant by the term…Time, Times and Half a Time…simple again…Time is a Bible Year (360 Days ) …Times (plural) means 2 Bible Years…and half a Time is Half a Bible Year…this phrase means 1260 Days, but in Prophesy means 1260 Years…! An example is in Daniel Chapter 12 where we learn that GOD scatters the Power of the Holy People (The Jews) for Time, Times and half a Time…so this 1260 year period commences at the building of The Satanic Dome of The Rock Mosque in 688 AD …The Abomination of Desolation from Daniel 11 vs. 30…( Note in the Name, ” Desolation) This is the Start of the Scattering….the scattering caused desolation…..then we simply add 1260 years and we arrive at 1948, the year Israel became a Nation…end of Scattering of The Jews around the world…and they all started returning to their Homeland……!… This can be cross referenced to Revelation 11 where we learn that the Courtyard of The temple is given to The Gentiles (Islam) for 1260 days / years…and of course, the Dome of The Rock Stands in Jerusalem Today…but in 1948 The Jews took back Jerusalem…once again…1260 years…

The Temple Mount

…and one more clarification about the Temple Mount…above I mention that the Courtyard of The Temple was given to the Gentiles (Islam)…so… those people whom are still trying to figure out where Solomon’s Temple was…?…it is clear that if the Courtyard is where The Dome of The Rock is…then Solomon’s Temple was not where The Dome is Today…but to The South of The Dome…this is confirmed in Isaiah 14, vs. 13 where we learn that Satan himself says…”I will also sit upon The Mount of The Congregation, in the Sides of The North…

Allah is Satan

…So…what did we learn from two assertions above…

we learned that Satan resides in The Dome of The Rock Mosque…and that…Allah is Satan…period…full Stop…!

688 AD

The one date that you must have to decode The Book of Daniel is 688 AD…and the only way to find that date is to come to the realization that The King of The North and South introduced in verse 5 of Daniel Chapter 11 are The Two Factions of Islam …Sunni and Shiite…and that verse 5 – 35 is a perfect depiction of The Birthing and History of Islam ( read details in the online book / Chapter, Part 18 ) …Without this understanding ….it is impossible to decode Daniel.

In verse 30 we learn of the Construction of The Satanic Dome of The Rock Mosque in Jerusalem, then from any Islamic History Book, we learn that this construction started in 688 AD….it still stands on The Temple Mount today. JESUS called it…”The Abomination of Desolation”.

The Red Dragon

So…let’s bring in Revelation 12….where we learn The Red Dragon ( Satan himself)…fought against GOD in Heaven but was cast out of heaven…and down to Earth…his new domain. This…since that day…and today…is the Source of all Evil on Planet Earth.

In Chapter 12 we learn of a Woman representing / The Old Testament and JEWS… wearing a Crown of 12 Stars (12 Tribes of Israel)…about to give Birth to a Man Child…and the Red Dragon awaited the Birth so he could devour The Man Child.

In verse 5 we learn that she brought forth the Man Child who would rule all the Nations, and be caught up to GOD and to His Throne…This predicts JESUS…!…and the Birthing of His New Testament Church.

The Woman then fled into The Wilderness…away from The Dragon…where GOD had prepared a place for her and that she should be fed (nourished) there 1260 days (prophetically 1260 years)…then in verse 14 is a mirroring of verse 5…where we learn that the Woman was given Two Wings of a Great Eagle so she might Fly into The Wilderness where she is nourished (fed) for time, times and half a Time (also1260 years). This mirroring may very well be The Woman now in Two Testaments…The Old Testament and Jews…and…The newly born Church of JESUS and The New Testament.

Now we bring in two Verses from JESUS own words in Mathew 24 vs. 15-16…where we are taught to flee to The Mountains (Wilderness) …when we see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in Daniel (The Islamic Dome of The Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount).

So “We” are to Flee… and The Woman fled into The Wilderness…because of The Dome of The Rock and The Dragon / Satan…!…Run from Islam…!

This gives us our 1260 year timeframe…which is 688-1948 / 1260 years……the following adds to this…and includes The USA.

Where did The Church (woman) flee to….first in verse 5 to the wilderness…this may depict The Jews fleeing to Asia and Europe…then in verse 14 with Two Wings of an Eagle into The Wilderness…

…now…for those who do not know… the population of Israel was down to 5500 in the 1800s AD…so all the Jews had fled because of The Abomination of Desolation…get it…?…Desolation…The Jews are gone to other nations…why…because of The Abomination of Desolation.

So…As Jesus said…flee to the Mountains…this is the wilderness (Asia / Europe) in verse 5…but the wilderness with The Wings of a Great Eagle is firstly Asia / Europe…but then…With wings of The Eagle …To The USA…!

…how can we know this…well, we know the timeframe telling us the end of The Nourishment (being fed)…which is 1948…(The end of the 1260 years )…which means the nourishment started in 688.

So…if this is now in The USA…then did something happen in the USA that causes the end of The Nourishment of The Church of JESUS…?

In 1948 The Supreme Federal Court of The USA ruled that Schools could no longer Reference or Teach from The Bible…this was the end of 1260 years of nourishment for the Church in the USA…and…the end of the Jews fleeing to The USA Wilderness…May 14th 1948…when Israel became a Nation…

…so the woman gave birth to the New Testament Church of JESUS…and the 12 Stars over her head (12 Tribes of Israel / Old Testament Church) became One Nation all at the end of this mirrored 1260 year period…and through this process and timeframe …Satan found a New Home, thanks to Mohammed and Islam…and Satan…resides in The Dome of The Rock…Today…!…

…But there is more…in verse 14 we learn that by fleeing with The Wings of a Great Eagle, the Woman had distanced herself from The Face of Satan …then we learn that Satan cast water as a flood out of his mouth chasing the woman (water and flood refers to people)…these peoples were The British (also Daniels 1st Beast of Daniel 7 )…chasing / hunting down The Church as well as The reformers (The Reformation)…whom were Fleeing The Beast and The Roman Catholic Church….are you starting to connect the Dots…!?!

This flood of people as verse 15 tells us, was to cause The Church to be carried away in a Flood of non-Christian People…why…?

In the context of this depiction, Satan knew he had to stop the nourishment of the Church…His Biggest enemy / JESUS…but specifically…he needed to Conquer The USA before it started because The USA was destined to be a Constitutional Republic…where there could be No King…No Pope in Charge…this meant that the Beast could never Rule the entire World…and definitely not the USA…which would Kill Satan’s plan to Rule The World through The Beast in Rome.

When The Lion Beast / British Soldiers lost the USA War of Independence…this Beast lost its Eagles Wings simultaneously…this sealed the fate of the Beast…this cross-references to Revelation 13 where The Beast has one head with a deadly Wound…

…the Deadly Wound on One of The Beasts 7 heads was North America…the USA…the 7 heads representing the 7 continents of The Earth…also Globalism…

…then back to verse 16 where we learn that the Earth helped the Woman by opening up her mouth…and swallowed up (into British soldiers graves)…the flood that the dragon cast out of his mouth…

…and the Dragon was angry with this defeat…and made / makes war with The Remnant of Her Seed…The Christians…that’s you n me…that brings us to Today…!…where The Beast and The New World Order is tantalizingly close to crushing The Constitution of The USA which will allow the Pope / The Beast / Satan incarnate…to Rule the World…and make war against The Lamb of GOD ..JESUS…

…this is what we are told in Revelation 13…where the deadly Wound was healed…this is the USA…this is the Left…The Democrats …This is The United Nations….Satan’s minions…Rome…collectively called The New World Order…seen daily as we watch the bought and paid for Democrats and some Republicans last desperate attacks on the Constitution…so the Beast and Mark of the Beast can rule The World…all 7 Continents…!…Read the reference verses yourself….Authorized King James Version of the Bible only…!…!

So…can you now see why The Democrats were so absolutely desperate to get Trump out of Office in his first term of Office….and are so  absolutely desperate to now get him out of office again…because…Trump hates Globalism…all Pro USA…MAGA…and let’s face it.. that’s the President’s Job…!

Hopefully you can now see magnitude of what is going on behind the political scene in the USA…and understand what’s at stake Spiritually for “We The People”

…ok… Now a quick note on how Hollywood helps The Beast accomplish its objectives…which is to take your mindset as far away from Bible Truth as possible.

Left Behind

So…while we are in Revelation 11…let’s give Hollywood a much deserved kick in the Ass…The Two Witnesses Movie says these two Witnesses / Prophets are 2 Men / Prophets…and yes they are prophets, but not men…allow me to explain…In Zachariah 4 vs. 2 – 6 we learn that there is One Candlestick and 2 Olive Trees in Heaven…please note, this is in Old Testament Times…then we are told that this is The Word of The LORD…The Old Testament…

…Then in Revelation 11 we are shown Two Candlesticks and Two Olive Trees…so how does this come together ..?…The Two Olive Trees in Zachariah 4 are there for 2 Testaments…but at that time only the Old Testament had been Written…the second Olive Tree is awaiting the New Testament…then…in Revelation 11 we see 2 Candlesticks …this because, now The New Testament has been Written…so The Two Witnesses / Prophets with Power are The Old and New Testaments of The Bible…!

And while we are on Hollywood…one word about The Left Behind Movies….and the Hal Lindsay’s Book…all…excuse me…bullshit…as you will learn in The Following…Those who go first…will be burned with Fire From Heaven…and those left behind…will walk on their ashes…!

Was, But is Not, Yet IS…?

One more prophesy clarification on The Beast, who in Revelation 17 is referred to as the Beast who was, and is not, yet is…???…allow me to help you know what this means:

(1) The Beast and Papacy that was …538 AD – 1798 AD when the Pope was thrown in Prison and died…

(2) And is not: 1798 – 1929

(3) Yet IS, 1929 to present…when Italy gave The Vatican it Sovereignty in 1929…!

And one final detail about The Mark of The Beast…The Obamacare 5G Microchip Transceiver…how will they tempt you to take The Mark of The Beast in Your Right Hand…simple again…What has the World Financial System Done so emphatically for the last 3 decades…offer you credit and get you in debt…!

So…JESUS spoke of The Hour of Temptation in Revelation 3 vs. 10…and what will that be…???…it will be…Debt Forgiveness if you take the Mark of The Beast and sign off on GOD and sign on to the god of Science…!…Get out of Debt…no matter what you must do…!

Sheep and the Goats

The Mark of the Beast will create the division and future eternal determination for each person…good or evil…!…and keep in mind that JESUS needs to know who are His, and who are not……this is the seperation of The Sheep, and the Goats in Matthew 25 vs. 32-33….

Right or Left

…where we learn that the Sheep, He will Set on His Right Hand…and The Goats on The Left ….like JESUS said…he would rather that we be hot or cold towards good and evil…not lukewarm…hence, I believe that GOD, who puts all Kings in place, has used Obama to pull hard to the left …and Trump to pull hard to the right ….Definitive Division….good and evil… Left Hand of JESUS, or Right …with the understanding that… it’s Up (with GOD forever for The Sheep) or Down (with Satan forever for The Left )…and Biden spent his entire term pulling straight Down…an obvious GOAT…at least Today…!

I don’t believe the hate will stop…I believe GOD will use it to define where each one of us will spend eternity through our own design making…Up…or…Down…no third choice…and no other possible destiny…Their is one GOD…period…full stop…and HE made us all…again…period…full stop ..!…and JESUS taught us susinctly that He came to Divide us…not bring Peace…as clearly stated in Luke 12 vs. 51 – 52.. where JESUS tells us that He will not only Divide The Sheep from The Goats…He will divide father against son…mother against daughter…also to include the in-laws of your Family…!…is this not exactly what we are seeing in The USA and Globally Today…all because of Left and Right …and The Bible defines Left and Right for us in Ecclesiastes 10 vs. 2 where we Learn that…A wise man’s heart is at his Right Hand…but…a Fools heart is at his Left Hand”…!……interesting how we know The Democrats and Globalist as “The Left …and The Conservatives’ as The Right …!……Be sure that you end up in JESUS Right Hand…!

No Rapture

…And be on guard for your very soul as many false teachers are touting a second then third coming of JESUS…they call it ” The Rapture” which is a story made up by Jesuit Priest Fransisco Ribera in the 1500s….and who commissioned him to write it…???…who else… the  Mother Whore in Rome …Google it, plain as day…easily debunked…called futurism all ( excuse me) BULLSHIT…! From Satan…period …full Stop…🛑…but be ready, the Second Coming of JESUS is very soon…!…but one more thing…the unfortunate reality, is that Darby and Scofield ( burn their bibles) bought into this lie…and so did Dallas Seminary in Texas, where 1000s of so called pastors have been taught…including Jeremiah, McCarther, Haggee and countless other pastors and YouTubers……so very sad…!…and no…the Rapture is not in Thesselonians…Paul mentions the Second Coming of JESUS 9 times in Thesselonians…you can’t just go pluck one of those occasions up and miraculously call it another event…unless of course…yourIQissubzero…!…hello…wake up time…!

Antichrist Explained

Ribera not only conjured up the Rapture Story, he also conjured up “This Antichrist Guy Story”… and once again, he did this for Rome, to deflect from what Luther knew…That Rome was the Beast of Revelation 13 and 17!

But the Bible itself tells us precisely in 1st John that antichrist is a Spirit, not a man, and John tells us clearly that there were  many antichrists in his time…now likely Billions…so…if you hear some preacher warn you of some antichrist guy…you will now know he doesn’t know his Bible…but he does know Riberas False Teachings…sad but true. Beware of the Beast in Rome…!

A “Profound” Prophesy.!

Ok…I know that many visitors to this site have not read through the prophecy chapters of the book on this site ( chapters 16-22)…and… I know everyone is busy busy…but as I encourage you to read them…I will bring The Most Profound Prophesy Fulfilment in the Bible forward here…because it is drop dead amazing…All from Daniel Chapter 8 where we Learn about a King of Fierce Countenance, that understood Dark (disturbing) sentences and destroyed The Holy People ( The Jews)…This was Hitler…!…

Some people think GOD would not punish the JEWS like this….but make no mistake…) all you people pondering this in 2024 and 2025)…GOD empower Hitler to fullfil this Curse on The Jews of 1944 because of their fathers and fore- fathers of old….and their whoring, Drunkenness and idolization…!…this is more than confirmed in Ezekiel 22 vs. 20 where GOD states emphatically…” I will leave you in the midst of The Furnace and MELT You…!!!…and, did GOD keep HIS Word…look below…!!!

…thousands of JEWS melted in Hitler’s Furnaces….that’s our warning….are we all getting …like real awake…!?!…do not think for one second that you can escape GODs Indignation against all evil…this is vividly confirmed in Ezekiel 22 vs. 31…where GOD states emphatically…I have poured out my Indignation upon them and have consumed them in The Fire of My Wrath, on their heads…wake up time friends……!!!……. ok…back to the King of Fierce Countenance…

…we also learn in Chapter 8 of a 2300 Day Prophesy…then we learn that the prophesy is the vision of the evening and the morning…meaning 2300 days, not 2300 years as is typical in Bible Prophesy…so, please allow me to explain.

This prophesy is obviously about The Holocaust…so…how did Hitler actually get his Legislative Assembly to go along with The Holocaust Agenda…?

On January 20th 1942 Hitler and The German Legislative Assembly passed a new law called, “The Final Solution to the Jews”…     

…then 5 days later Himmler, Hitler’s Right Hand Man gave the very first order under this new law…and started rounding up the Jews on January 25, 1942.

Ok…back to our 2300 Day Prophesy…and Daniels Question to the Angel…”How Long will my people be Trodden Under Foot ( Trampled in The Haulocaust)…2300 days…so let’s take January 25 1942, and add “Exactly ” 2300 Days…and where do we arrive at…???…May 14, 1948…The “Exact” Day that Israel became a Nation…( No more Trampling) and the Chapter ends with This King of Fierce Countenance being broken without hand ..meaning no hand killed him…and for those of you who don’t know…Hitler Committed Suicide…no hand killed him…!…still gives me Chills…!!!…the Bible predicted all of the above 2000 years before it happened… Praise GOD…,!

Be Ready…!

Ok…here are two points  to help you realize how close we are to the Second Coming of JESUS…!

(1) In the Late 1800s people smarter and more patient than me went through the entire Bible Chronologically…and, their determination was that man’s 6000 year reign on earth will end in 2025 / 2026…!

I will post a link at the end of this Post.

(2) Revelation 10 vs. 5+6…an angel stood upon Sea and the Earth…and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever…that there should be “TIME” no longer…ie…the end has come.

How will this all Culminate…?

The LORD has given me a singular fous and ability in the authoring of this site…this focus is the connecting of the dots…but I have rarely voiced how The Killing of people will be executed if we don’t take The Mark of The Beast. It’s really the only thing left, the final detail. We are warned about this in Revelation 13 vs. 15.

Two assertions will now answer that question.

(1) The reason why the left, and Biden and Harris and Rome’s New World Order Minions all cried so long and hard to allow immigrants into the USA at the Southern Boarder is because many United Nation Army Personal are hidden in the Boarder entry process.

(2) Biden and Harris just 2 weeks ago pushed through a new law allowing USA Army personnel to kill USA Citizens if they openly disagree with Government Laws…so the question is…will Trump kill this executive order by Biden…?…also…The US Army has prepared for lock downs by enlisting United Nations Army Personnel over the Past Year. So it is US and UN personnel, that will enforce lock downs…and then…enforce US Citizens taking the Mark of The Beast…!…and how will this spread all over the world…through The World Health Organization…but…!!!…Trump just withdrew The USA from the World Health Organization…so…something has to change…!?!…because The Bible is Crystal clear…If you worship The Beast…and…Take The Mark of The Beast in your right hand…you are Satan’s forever…this is the pivot point in The Bible and of this entire Blog Post…so…something has to give…change…because I just cannot see Donald J Trump imposing a transceiver / microchip into every right hand in The USA…that would be a complete betrayal on We the People…!…I can see…that the Globalist would do this in a Heartbeat…!

Globalists are planning for a Global onslaught on humanity with the Backing of…who else…Daniels Fourth Beast….The United Nations and The Beast in Rome…!…and The Bible gives us an amazingly confirming verse in Revelation 17 vs. 15 where learn that “The Whore sitteth amongst People, Multitudes, Nations and Tongues….!

Stay awake…!…and just in case you can’t quite picture Pope Francis as the Beast, playing New World Order Conductor…behind the Scenes…here are some images of the Pope at the United Nations, and then with Mayors, and World Leaders and Corporate Leaders from Around the World…teaching them all…The Beast System…!

And what is this Beast System…??? …Wokeness, Gay Marriage and the denouncing of JESUS because all religions lead to Heaven and of course Phony Climate Change which started with the Bafoon of all Bafoons, Al Gore and Pope Paul…!…but worst of all… This humble Pope spreads the Spirit of Antichrist…!


In conclusion of 666, you may have noted that The Islamic inscriptions on The Dome of The Rock Mosque depict 666…

…and…The Inscription on The Popes Crown depict 666…so, it is no coincidence that Islam and The Vatican have come together to create…

…in preparation for The New World Order One World Religion…

…imagine…The Two biggest Christian Hating Machines on The Planet uniting as One….and did you know that Rome created Islam and wrote the quorran…it’s not hard to see…Mary and JESUS are mentioned more times in the quorran than Muhammed…read Chapter Part 6 of the online book for details……ok…back to Pandemics.


So, there will be another planned Pandemic…Lock downs and Mask Wearing will become normal…and The Obamacare 5G Microchip Transceiver will be forced on you…and if you refuse, and won’t worship Science and the Pope…and denounce GOD…..the USA Army will kill you…!

This will be the time in History when the smiling masks are taken off…you will see the personification of evil under those masks…Adam Schiff comes to mind…( could there possibly be a bigger demonic liar…?)…the very core of evil…, right before your very eyes…!

The Fourth Reich

This will make Nazi Germany and The Third Reich look like Sunday School…!…The evil will be 100 times more horrific than any Hollywood Movie…and it’s going to walk right in your front door with a vaccine needle, a transceiver injection syringe…and a rifle.

Hitler said the Jews were unclean…and killed them all…the line in the sand for The USA Fourth Reich will be Vaccination Status…where the unvaccinated will be deemed, unclean…and who is leading the Charge for this Satanic effort…???…Clause Schwab of The World Economic Forum…and where did he learn how to be one of the most evil persons on the planet…from his Father …who was in charge of Eugenics for Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany…areweallstartingtoget”thepicture…? This will all culminate as the new USA Fourth Reich…which is Daniels 4th Beast that we are warned about…!…Now…..just so you have a  complete understanding of how the dots connect here…the following is what you need to be crystal clear about…!

It’s all about Globalism

Satan wants to Rule and Control the World…and…every person. Globalism is his chosen method to accomplish this.

Even I am slightly Surprised as to how everything points to Globalism…it’s so obvious.

So…now we wait and pray and watch n see…Trump is fighting Globalism tooth n nail…but he is still entangled with Pro Globalist People…?!?

So…this will be very fascinating to watch unfold…does Trump take office…?…do the Globalists steel it from him….will MAGA see a second term…?…?…we shall see…but regardless, be forever mindful of what goes on behind the scenes…and moreso, what’s going on Spiritually behind the scene…!…and keep the following verse in mind as we watch 2025 unfold…

Revelation 12 vs. 17…And The Dragon was Worth (angry) with The Woman…and went to make war with The Remnant of her Seed…those which keep the Commandments of GOD, and have The Testimony of JESUS CHRIST…!

Remember…no matter what…keep your patience…as with your Patience, you posses your Soul…keep your eyes on JESUS.



What’s the Bottom Line ..?

  • Ok…I now cut to the chase….GOD made you…period…full stop…🛑
  • We are expected to honor the GOD that made us…full stop…🛑
  • We are expected to be righteous and holy…full stop …🛑
  • We can’t…almost can’t be Holy and righteous…but we are to try to be holy…full stop…🛑
  • So GOD sent HIS Son JESUS…to show us how to live…and…to die for us because we can’t control our sin…full…stop…🛑
  • Then…if we believe that we can be forgiven all our sins ..years of sins…if you Sincerely ask for forgiveness…it’s called Repenting…….then just by believing that JESUS died for our / your Sins……we can be forgiven and…through this gift of forgiveness we can be made clean so we are able to meet our GOD…our Father…!…then also to believe that GOD raised Him from the dead 2000 years ago ..Easter…( Not a stupid Satanic Easter Bunny)…!!!!!!!!!!!!…but the amazing gift of GOD…so…do You believe…???…and will you turn from your sin…stop sinning…?…this is the difference between an Eternity of Peace with GOD…or an Eternity of (you don’t want to know)…an eternity of Torment with Satan in the Sides of The Pit of Burning…worm infested Home of Hell…Forever…🛑

So…please “Get” the above and understand that the Bible tells us that JESUS will Return…as The King of The Universe…and if you have not sided with Him…you are unimaginably SCREWED…and will live in a literal Hell Hole of Worms and Fire…forever…do you like…get it…this is your only alternative…hello..better get humble NOW…like Right Now…Believe…or…Not…?!?…then …read below to understand exactly how JESUS will return as The King of The Universe.

Only One Exit Strategy

Mathew, Mark and Luke all quote JESUS the same…

The Powers of The Heavens
Shall be Shaken”

…this quote is the very last sign before His Second Coming….firstly He warns of The Tribulation from Man…The New World Order and the Mandate requiring you to take the Mark of The Beast in your right hand….then He warns of GOD’s Vengeance on The Wicked…when The Powers of The Heavens Shall be Shaken…The Great and Terrible Day of the LORD… This is The Wrath of Almighty GOD…!

These words are repeated in Isaiah 12, vs.13 where The Wrath of GOD is clearly Defined in association with This Shaking of The Heavens and Earth. This Wrath is also depicted clearly throughout The Book of Revelation.

Then, just before His Coming, JESUS tells us in Luke 17 vs.26 – 30…how this will happen specifically…

(1) It will be like Noah’s Time…all was normal in Society untill the Flood came and “TOOK” them away…all people were Destroyed.

(2) Similarity when Lot left Sodom…all was normal in Society until GOD rained Fire and Brimstone on The Entire City…and all were Destroyed.

Then in verses 34 – 36 we are warned 3 times that two shall be there, and one will be Taken…!?! …but the Disciples asked him immediately…”Where will they be “Taken” …?…JESUS answers, Their bodies will be given to The Eagles”…(For Dinner)

Clearly this group of verses depict that The Wicked / Unrighteous are “Taken”…!…and the Righteous Ones are Left on Earth at this point.

So, with the above few paragraphs in mind…we now go to Revelation 14 where John is shown how the next steps unfold.

JESUS is seen on a Cloud with a Sickle…and an Angel cried out to Him…thrust in your Sickle…for it is time for You to Reap…for The Harvest of The Earth is Ripe…JESUS then reaps The Earth…!

Note that the verse does not differentiate between the Wicked and The Righteous…it simply says…The Earth was reaped…What does this mean…?…!

This is the final and fateful Seperation of The Sheep and The Goats. At this very moment every soul that has ever lived has been determined by their own decision making….( Or failure to do so)…and now Chosen as God’s forever …or condemned forever to live with Satan…but at this moment, we on earth may not feel or know any difference…we will be going about our day in Society…and up until this point the Righteous and Wicked have co-mingled together all over the planet…JESUS spoke of this in the Parable of the Wheat ( the righteous)…and The Tares ( wicked weeds) where they grow up together but are Separated at The Harvest.

So, firstly…who are The Righteous and who are the Wicked…?…Malachi 3 vs. 18…teaches us that …

(1) The Righteous Serve GOD…!

(2) The Wicked Don’t…!

Ok…back to The Cloud…then comes another Angel to The Cloud and a Third Angel…one having a Sickle to Reap The Wicked, and One has Power over Fire for the Wicked…and one Angel Cries Out…”Thrust in your Sickle and gather The Clusters of The Vine and cast them into The Great Winepress of GOD…(The multifaceted Wrath of GOD)

This depiction is mirrored in Joel 3 vs. 13 where it is confirmed that the Harvest by Sickle is for The Wicked…and the Winepress will be full.

Then back in Revelation 14 now vs. 19 and 20 we learn that the Winepress was Trodden (the Wicked were tortured and destroyed)…but…the Verse then says…

…Without The City…?

What does this mean…?…In Revelation 17 vs. 18 we are taught that “The Whore (The USA) and The Mother of Harlots (Vatican Rome)…is That Great City”…then in Chapter 16 vs. 19 we are taught that This Great City was divided in 3 Parts…These 3 Parts are the 3 Elements of The New World Order…Rome, Downtown London and Washington DC…!…so let’s summarize the above…

…the wicked are thrown in the Great winepress of GOD…but The New World Order, those 3 elements are Spared the Winepress…why…?…we are warned and  told in Revelation 18 vs. 4 – 6 to Come out of Babylon / Rome, for she will be rewarded “Double” what the Winepress could inflict.

A large part of The Wrath of God is The Angel on the Cloud with Power over Fire ..meaning that just like Sodom was Rained upon with Fire and Brimstone …this wicked generation / the Goats will be relentlessly showered with Fire…!

This is confirmed for us in Malachi 4 vs. 3 where we learn that The Wicked will be ashes under our feet. This also confirms that we will be here on earth watching this unfold.

We can take solace, knowing that as Psalm 91 vs. 7 says…” A 1,000 then 10,000 shall fall in front of you…but destruction shall not come near you…!…then Psalm 37 vs. 11 where we learn that the Meek ( the Patient, Righteous and Humble) shall inherit the earth…!

Then in Revelation 13 vs. 10 and in Mathew we are told that…” In our Patience do we possess our Souls…in other words, no matter what you see…keep your patience …Stand Firm…!

The Grand Finalee’

The Bible ( The Authorized King James Version of the Bible)…is Crystall Clear…but let me Summarize the Above before we conclude.

We have seen the Seperation of the Sheep and the Goats…then the wicked Taken, as we remain…but The Most Wicked…The Beast (Rome), and The Satanic New World Order Minions have not been thrown in the Winepress (The Wrath) of GOD…they have been spared ..and they will be rewarded Double The Wrath of GOD.

We now go to Revelation 19 vs. 11 – 21 where we see JESUS Coming out of Heaven on a White Horse with all The Saints (armies of Heaven)…with great Power and Majesty…and as Mathew 24 vs. 30 depicts…and all shall see The Son of Man Coming in the Clouds …with Power and Great Glory…

“The Very Moment”

…and then…JESUS shall send His Angels, and they shall gather His Elect from the four winds N E S W…from one end of Heaven to The Other…or as Mark writes in Chapter 13 vs.27…from the uttermost parts of The Earth…

This is The Very Moment described in 1st Thesselonians Chapter 4 vs. 16 – 17…when JESUS descends from Heaven with The Mighty Trumpet of GOD and the Dead in Christ shall Rise First then we which are alive meet them in the clouds with JESUS…this is when our bodies are transformed we will be like Him…

1st Corinthians 15 vs. 51 – 53…we shall all be changed…in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at The Last Trumpet…

…then…in Revelation 19 vs.19 – 21…the Beast, Francis is Taken with The False Prophet ( I believe This is may be Muhammed , founder and Prophet of Islam) and thrown into The Lake of Fire Burning with Brimstone…and The Minions of The Beast and The New World Order are taken down by The Sword and all The Eagles and Fowls are filled with Their Flesh…and back to 1st Thesselonians Chapter 4 vs. 17…and so…

…Shall We Ever Be With



…But for the wicked, this will be more than horrifying…so horrifying That GOD sends the People in Heaven to Their Chambers…(Isaiah 26 vs. 20 – 21) so they will not see The Horror of HIS Wrath and Indignation poured out on the Wicked…!

So…Why will GOD pour out HIS Indignation on The Wicked…?…Because The wicked live in sin, and have The Audacity and Pride filled arrogance to Think they are Self Made and Self Sufficient…Just Don’t Need GOD …and worse…some actually Mock GOD….The GOD who made them and sustains them…!…and then there are those who choose Science over GOD, not realizing that GOD made Science…and all Science can do is figure out, or try to figure out how GOD made…”EVERYTHING”…hello…wake up time…!…I mean really…wake up…!!

John 15 vs. 5 says… without ME (JESUS)…ye (you) can do Nothing…!

A Sober Warning

To those of you ( the reader) who have not come to know JESUS, please understand that your Soul, Your Spirit, Your Personality… “YOU”… will neverdie…! …just your body dies…!…the only question on this entire Site is…After you Die…Or when JESUS returns… WherewillYouLive…? …in a Private Chamber with GOD who made You…or…with Satan and The Beasts pit of a Fiery Hell…?

If you choose the Later…understand the following from Isaiah 14 vs. 11 – 17…where we learn that as you sit on The Sides of The Pit… in unbearable heat, with no water……(Forever)…with worms crawling all over you……you will see Satan with you…and you will not believe that this pitiful man was responsible for you being decieved by him…!

JESUS warned us countless times… Do not be Decieved…!…and 70 Times HE warned us about the Horrors of Hell…!

🔥 🔥 🔥


Back to Normal

It’s not going to happen…no more Normal…it is long gone in the rear view mirror….make sure you are not looking back… it’s gone…look forward…realize that that your enemy is not nicknamed Pelosi…Hillary or Obama or Harris or Claus Swab… it’s Satan, the devil…this the Real Enemy of the State…Eyes wide open please…!

Only JESUS can take down The enemy of The State because this is a Spiritual Battle…but what we see here on earth…some of the Names mentioned above…lest we forget Gates and Faucie…these people are The Enemy in disguise…literally wearing the mask of evil and deceit….they have sold out their Souls to Satan…!

Revelation says That the Beast… the real Enemy will be thrown into the abyss of Hell…!…and JESUS will do so…!

So…now you have some real facts of where we are prophetically…be aware…and…you have the details of some amazing fulfilled prophesies that are absolutely stunning…proving that The Bible is the Living Breathing Truthful Word of GOD…make sure you embrace what you have learned here…take it to heart and realize that you and I must put GOD first and JESUS first in our lives…If you can share the love and share the light of JESUS… Do it now…!!! ….it’s the only exit strategy for you and I and our friends and loved ones… to this huge mess the planet is in…!

My Conclusion

The very essence of what’s happening to the People of the Planet is a Game for Those I have Identified in this Post…and Like football…COVID was The Kick Off…then Liquor stores open through COVID to keep you drunk… legalization of Marijuana to keep you high…they let in  opioids in to keep you confused…and closed all the Churches and Small business to bankrupt both to make you dependant on the Federal Government… and now they will use debt to enslave you and make you take the Mark of The Beast…!…or as we learn in Revelation 13 vs. 15…if you don’t accept it and won’t worship the Beast…you will be Killed so you must know JESUS…and keep this this next part on your mind forever…

Nothing can be changed after death…!

…I really hope we are all wide awake…and that you understand…and a final verse also From Daniel 12 vs. 10…which tells us succinctly…that the wicked won’t “get it”, they won’t understand what’s going on…but the Wise will Understand….that’s you n me…we must understand what going on…that’s the only reason I have written some 400 pages on this site…thank you to the Now 10,000 visitors…I pray The LORD delivers you from all Evil and …

Shows you the Way Home…!

But…You must make the wholehearted decision for JESUS…or you will get lost in the shuffle to Hell Fire forever, with The Beast…do it now, time is short…Goat or sheep…?…no abstaining…!…or…and please understand this…if you do not make the decision for JESUS (read the link in the menu…How to be Right with GOD)…your default position is to live with Satan forever…!

Choose the True and only Stairway to Heaven… JESUS…!

Do not go to the Basement…!!!…this is your warning……the following video will give you an idea on how beautiful  the end will be for those who side with JESUS….!

Then…in the 2nd video…( Both just 90 Seconds) note the stark contrast…a horrific new home with The Devil of Darkness…forever…!


I would like to Thank Almighty GOD…the GREAT, The One and Only….for giving me the Spirit of Prophesy…I am more than profoundly humbled and Grateful for this amazing Spiritual Gift.

Thank you FATHER…!

Revelation 19 vs. 10 / …Worship GOD, for the Testimony of JESUS is The Spirit of Prophesy…!

JESUS said…”Love your neighbour as yourself”….your neighbour is everyone…!!!



6000 Years point at 2023 -2026