The END, before our very Eyes

Dedicated to Cathy in Langley

“Did you say Pharmakia”…?


It is now almost 12 months since I posted anything on my blog. In essence, I don’t write unless the Holy Spirit prompts me…also…I am not a content creator…the Authorized King James Version of The Bible is my sole content…and it says clearly in this Bible that the Holy Spirit will teach me “all” things…I completely rest in that…this assures you, that I’m not looking for content or likes or donation…really i am looking for nothing…I simply am sharing what GOD has shown me…period.!

I truly feel ultra blessed that the LORD has revealed so very much to me in Bible Prophesy. My sole motivation in the development of this site…is and has been to show you through Bible Prophesies / predictions, that the Authorized King James version of the Bible is The Living Breathing truthful word of the one and only GOD of The Universe…and…that HE would touch your heart and deliver you from all and every evil…and show you the way home…through HIS Son JESUS…Amen…!

Thanks to all Visitors

So this is just a simple thank you to all visitors…and a final warning of where we are prophetically…I cannot overstate this…I am not a date setter, never have been…but I cannot deny that we are amazingly blessed to be alive right now…it’s fascinating to watch things happen on the news that were predicted in the Holy Bible over 2000 years ago…!

It is also a re- affirming of everything written on this site…!…all of which I stand firm on…and profess to you that you can too. I pray frequently only for GODs truth…and if I am wrong, that HE admonish me instantly…never ever wanting to to be wrong.

The bottom line through all the complexities of the Bible and it’s amazing prophesies is to be sure that you are ready to meet your Maker…JESUS called HIM, “Our Father”…and to be able to meet Our Father, you must be ready…repent of your sins in prayer to JESUS…and believe that He was raised from the Dead…and sits at the Right hand of GOD now… listening to you and to me…like…right now…!

Amazing Bible Prophesies

So…where are we prophetically…??…today, right now?

The whole world will come unglued now…all revolving around the USA election….I hate to make it sound so simple, but it is…and the reason is simple as well…the rest of the planet is weak and attainable…but the USA has a Constitution…and until it is 100 % dismantled, which the Democrats and bureaucrats are trying desperately to do…the New World Order ( elimination of the Sovereignty of all Nations) and it’s agenda cannot be implemented …and… it’s all written in the Bible…please read on.

I will reiterate 3 verses from Daniel chapter 11 vs. 45 and chapter 12 vs. 1 and 2…these are profound for all of us today!!!…please allow me to explain.

Starting with Daniel 11 vs. 36 – 44 we learn of a new King which is Hitler, then in his estate, Prescot Bush who financed Hitler, and then USA Presidents.

In verse 45 then President Trump plants the USA Embassy in Jerusalem…then Daniel 12 vs.1…and you have to go to the Strongs dictionary and Greek Bible to find this…a time time of Trouble in a foreign gentile nation because of a female rival…this is Kamala…then the very next verse…the rising of the dead because JESUS has returned…!

Think about it, 3 verses back to back to back…The Embassy, The Upcoming Election, and return of JESUS…!

Three Headed Eagle

I will now add something very few people are aware of… something that I have learned just recently…much to my surprise…!

The Authorized King James version of the Bible ( the only one you should read) once had more books in it called, the Apocrypha…and in it is a prophesy about a 3 headed eagle…

…I have learned through my 8 year analysis of The Bible, that the Eagle in the Authorized King James version of the Bible is The USA, this is indisputable…

…in short, this 3 headed eagle is everything I have written on this site… prophetically speaking….the 3 headed eagle is the 3 elements of The New World Order… Downtown London, The Vatican and Washington DC….

…all 3 with a GOATs Penis as their monument…(Did you know that the Washington Monument was a Goats Penis…?)

…..This prophetic eagle has feathers on it depicting US Presidents and their terms… and climaxes quite definitively with this coming election, where it is predicted that neither candidate…Kamala or Trump will actually take office…and…that instead…the Deep State FBI, DOJ, CIA etc with openly rule and govern the Country.

The Stage is set…think of the 3 verses above and this prophesy…!?!

The Rome Whore

Revelation 17 teaches us about the Whore in Rome…The Mother of Harlots / Whores…and did you ever notice that each President of the USA goes to meet the Pope in Rome, that’s because Rome controls Washington DC…which is also know as the Daughter of The Whore…complete with the Whore Isis Statue in New York Harbour…yes, the Statue of Liberty…!

And Rome is responsible for the many misleading versions of the Bible….including yes, your NIV…!…use The Authorized King James Version only…!

Very telling that Jerome of Vatican Rome  kept the Apocrypha in their Whore Bibles, but took the Eagle Prophesy out…!…Why…???…because the Eagle Prophesy exposes Rome as the One World Whore Religion of The New World Order…and… confirms that the Vatican is One of the Three Heads on this Prophetic Eagle.

The Deep “Swampy” State

So, how will the Deep State keep both candidates from taking office…I believe wholeheartedly that there will be a false flag before this election, just like COVID was carefully scheduled and introduced just before 2020…i believe that this false flag will be The Star falling from Heaven, depicted in a Revelation 18…and, Mystery Babylon…the USA will burn from the detonation of a Nuclear Bomb…I believe the Left, and Deep State and New World Order will be responsible for the detonation….they will do it in New York and blame it on Trump and Putin.

They may very well take out Trump and Kamala in this False Flag attack…and…in keeping with that possibility, the Eagle Prophesy’s finally assertion, is that The Deep State devours both Candidates…and neither candidate makes it to office!

This is the exact time for the Deep State to act…why…Trump will expose and slow / stop their progress and determination to take down the USA, and Kamala is much less than a Satanic Air Head sub-puppet.

Pray to JESUS, be ready…check the link on the main menu…” How to be Right with GOD”…

And have your eyes wide wide open…and beware and be aware…that the left, Kamala and the Deep State are trying to convince you into hate ..just pure hate…hate the USA, hate white people, hate the constitution, hate Love itself, hate Trump…hate hate hate…hate is from Below…the Pit of hell.. don’t hate…stop hating…!!!

Trump’s Swamp is Daniels 4th Beast

For those who do not know, The New World Order must take down the USA Constitution, in order to finally push for Global Governance….this is the only thing holding them back…be aware…and understand emphatically that they will do anything to keep Trump from the Presidency…anything…!!!..!…are you getting this..!?!…also please understand that when Trump says ..”Drain The Swamp”…he is talking about The 4th Terrible Beast in Daniel Chapter 7 vs. 23…this Beast is the Deep State, The United Nations and the Globalists who are doing everything to Kill the USA and The Planet…!…that’s what Trump is fighting…the Prophetic Beast of Daniel 7 that shall devour the whole earth…tread it down and break it in pieces….that ladies and gentleman is Globalism…meaning…no more Canada, no more USA…!

This is all culminating in the streets of the USA, where the division and hate for now just 2 opposing sides is cavernous, and likely irreversible…but it’s not too late…JESUS said there will be a time of Tribulation just before His Return…

…there is no timeframe in The Authorized King James version of the Bible regarding how long this tribulation may last…( Some mistakenly say 7 years, pointing at Daniel 9 vs 27, but Daniels final week / 7 is the 7 Times curse against the Jews in Leviticus 26)…and has nothing to do with this tribulation timeframe…!…Daniel confirms this for us in Daniel 9 vs. 11…so, it’s astonishing how wrong some preachers are…decieved…!

But Tribulation will come, the New World Order will see to it…but it’s still not too late, as Revelation 7 vs. 13 +14 tells us that many will wash their symbolic robes, having been stained with sinfulness here on earth…and shall appear in Heaven…after going through this time of Tribulation…so share the Light and Love of JESUS…!…do it now…get bold…the Holy Spirit will teach you as you go.

Mark of The Beast

A big part of this Tribulation is the deployment of The Mark of The Beast (Rome)…found in Obamacare:

HR 3962 and HR 3200 Section 2571 Subsection B

and already USA Law…it’s a 5G transceiver microchip for your right hand…

…and will replace your debit and credit cards and your cash being outlawed in favour of a trackable digital currency. It is described as an emergency medical device tied directly to ongoing and un-ending Vaccinations…and as Revelation 13 says…you will not be able to buy or sell…(Groceries, gas) Without the Mark of the Beast…!…also…did you know that Facebook was developed solely for Facial recognition of…”YOU”…did you know that every selfie is in a New World Order Database…!!!…so they can track you and your every move…run from Facebook and run from Rome…!!!

For those who do not already know…The Planets biggest nightmare is USA Big Pharma…just look at the Snake on their logo…

…vividly described in Revelation 18 vs. 23 as Sorceries in Greek…translated to Pharmakia or Pharmacy and as the verse says…Big Pharma tricked every nation on the planet into making their citizens take the COVID  Jab…!…all Satanic.

Ok, the Vax is not the Mark of the Beast…the Microchip is…The Bible says if you knowingly take the Mark in your right hand, or the Elon Musk Neurolink in your forehead…

…and worship the Pope…you cannot escape Hell as your destiny…and, of course, this assertion labels the Pope as MR. 666…which is easily verifiable…just look at his crown, proudly displaying Vacarivs Filii Dei…!

Exactly as the Bible says…Count the number of The Beast for it is the number of a man, and this number is 666…!…but there is more proof…in Revelation 17 vs. 10+11 we learn that there will be 7 Kings / Popes commencing In 1929 when Italy gave the Vatican it’s sovereignty….and that the seventh Pope would serve only for a short space (of time)…this was Benedict who abdicated early…verse 11 tells us that the eighth Pope “IS” The Beast…this is Francis……Are we all awake…!?!

But there is still more proof that The Roman Catholic Church…is the Beast of Revelation 13 vs. 4 – 10 where we learn that this Beast that killed the Saints in The Dark Ages…literally burned Christians at the Stake…did so and was given power to do so for 42 months….now, in Ezekiel 4 vs. 6 we learn the day for a year prophesy / principal…which in the case of the Beasts reign for 42 months is exactly 1260 days but prophetically 1260 years…so…???…how do we prove this out…?

Firstly…the Gregorian calendar is the Whore (Pope Gregory) Calendar…so it’s a false calendar…the Bible calendar is based on 30 days each month…so back to The Beast and his Reign of Terror for 42 months…and how do we prove this out…?…The Papacy commenced in 538 AD…and was unceremoniously brought to an abrupt end in 1798…when a French General dragged the the last Pope to prison where he died…so…42 months…1260 days…is 1260 years. Prophetically…538 AD – 1798 AD…exactly 1260 years / 42 months….Run like Hell from Rome…Run as fast as you can …this Beast is the embodiment of Satan…literally…Run…!!!

Now…while we are on The Whore Gregorian calendar, let’s clarify when the Sabbath is…Christians say Sunday and call it ” The LORDs Day”……Seventh Day Adventists say Saturday …THEY ARE BOTH DEAD WRONG…why…???… because they both use the Whore Calender…!…So, when is the Sabbath…???… it’s precisely on the Quarter, Half, Three Quarter and Full Moon Phases of the 🌒 Moon…!…and based, once again on the Bible Calendar…so, the True Sabbath falls on every day of the Week on the Gregorian calendar throughout the year…but always on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th on the Bible calendar…! Today is September 28th 2024, the Sabbath was last Wednesday…now you know…this is not open for discussion…if if you use the whore Calender from Rome, you get Whore Results…period…full stop…!!!…nothing wrong with celebrating The Lord’s Day on Sunday or Saturday….I celebrate it every day…!…but nowhere are we called to celebrate the Lord’s Day in the Bible…we are however Commanded to remember The Sabbath and keep it Holy…!!…I will add a link to the Bible Calender below:

One more clarification while we are discussing the Bible Calendar…have you ever wondered what it meant by the term…Time, Times and Half a Time…simple again…Time is a Bible Year (360 Days ) …Times (plural) means 2 Bible Years…and half a Time is Half a Bible Year…this phrase means 1260 Days, but in Prophesy means 1260 Years…!

One more prophesy clarification on The Beast, who in Revelation 17 is referred to as the Beast who was, and is not, yet is…???…allow me to help you know what this means:

(1) The Beast and Papacy that was…538AD – 1798 AD when the Pope was thrown in Prison and died…

(2) And is not: 1798 – 1929

(3) Yet IS, 1929 to present…when Italy gave The Vatican it sovereignty in 1929…!

And one final detail about The Mark of The Beast…The Obamacare 5G Microchip Transceiver…how will they tempt you to take The Mark of The Beast in Your Right Hand…simple again…What has the World Financial System Done so emphatically for the last 3 decades…offer you credit and get you in debt…!

So…JESUS spoke of The Hour of Temptation in Revelation 3 vs. 10…and what will that be…???…it will be…Debt Forgiveness if you take the Mark of The Beast and sign off on GOD and sign on to the god of Science…!…Get out of Debt…no matter what you must do…!

Sheep and the Goats

The Mark of the Beast will create the division for each person…good or evil…!…and keep in mind that JESUS needs to know who are His, and who are not…this is the seperation of The Sheep, and the Goats in Matthew 25 vs. 31…….like JESUS said…he would rather that we be hot or cold towards good and evil…not lukewarm…hence, I believe that GOD, who puts all Kings in place, has used Obama to pull to the left, and Trump to the right….Definitive Division….good and evil…not left and right anymore… it’s Up, or Down…and Biden spent his entire term pulling straight Down.

I don’t believe the hate will stop…I believe GOD will use use it to define where each one of us will spend eternity through our own design making…Up…or…Down…no third choice…and no other possible destiny…Their is one GOD…period…full stop…and HE made us all…again…period…full stop ..!

No Rapture

…And be on guard for your very soul as many false teachers are touting a second then third coming of JESUS…they call it ” The Rapture” which is a story made up by Jesuit Priest Fransisco Ribera in the 1500s….and who commissioned him to write it…???…who else… the Whore in Rome…Google it, called futurism all ( excuse me) BULLSHIT…! From Satan…period …full Stop…🛑…but be ready, the Second Coming of JESUS is very soon…!…but one more thing…the unfortunate reality, is that Darby and Scofield bought into this lie…and so did Dallas Seminary in Texas, where 1000s of so called pastors have been taught…including Jetimaiha, McCarther, Haggee and countless others…so very sad…!

A “Profound” Prophesy.!

Ok…I know that many visitors to this site have not read through the prophecy chapters of the book on this site ( chapters 16-22)…and… I know everyone is busy busy…but as I encourage you to read them…I will bring The Most Profound Prophesy Fulfilment in the Bible forward here…because it is drop dead amazing…All from Daniel Chapter 8 where we Learn about a King of Fierce Countenance, that understood Dark (disturbing) sentences and destroyed The Holy People ( The Jews)…This was Hitler…!…we also learn in Chapter 8 of a 2300 Day Prophesy…then we learn that the prophesy is the vision of the evening and the morning…meaning 2300 days, not 2300 years as is typical in Bible Prophesy…so, please allow me to explain.

This prophesy is obviously about The Haulocaust…so…how did Hitler actually get his Legislative Assembly to go along with The Haulocaust Agenda…?

On January 20th 1942 Hitler and The German Legislative Assembly passed a new law called, “The Final Solution to the Jews”…     

…then 5 days later Himmler, Hitler’s Right Hand Man gave the very first order under this new law…and started rounding up the Jews on January 25, 1942.

Ok…back to our 2300 Day Prophesy…and Daniels Question to the Angel…”How Long will my people be Trodden Under Foot ( Trampled)…2300 days…so let’s take January 25 1942, and add “Exactly ” 2300 Days…and where do we arrive at…???…May 14, 1948…The “Exact” Day that Israel became a Nation…( No more Trampling) and the Chapter ends with This King of Fierce Countenance being broken without hand ..meaning no hand killed him…and for those of you who don’t know…Hitler Committed Suicide…no hand killed him…!…still gives me Chills…!!!…the Bible predicted all of the above 2000 years before it happened… Praise GOD…,!

Be Ready…!

Ok…here are two points in closing to help you realize how close we are to the Second Coming of JESUS…!

(1) In the Late 1800s people smarter and more patient than me went through the entire Bible Chronologically…and, their determination was that man’s 6000 year reign on earth will end in 2025 / 2026…!

(2) Revelation 10 vs. 5+6…an angel stood upon Sea and the Earth…and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever…that there should be “TIME” no longer…ie…the end has come.

Back to Normal

It’s not going to happen…no more Normal…it is long gone in the rear view mirror….make sure you are not looking back… it’s gone…look forward…realize that that your enemy is not nicknamed Pelosi…Hillary or Obama or Harris or Claus Swab… it’s Satan, the devil…this the Real Enemy of the State…Eyes wide open please…!

Only JESUS can take down The enemy of The State because this is a Spiritual Battle…but what we see here on earth…some of the Names mentioned above…lest we forget Gates and Faucie…these people are The Enemy in disguise…literally wearing the mask of evil and deceit….they have sold out their Souls to Satan…!

Revelation says That the Beast… the real Enemy will be thrown into the abyss of Hell…!…and JESUS will do so…!

So…now you have some real facts of where we are prophetically…be aware…and…you have the details of some amazing fulfilled prophesies that are absolutely stunning…proving that The Bible is the Living Breathing Truthful Word of GOD…make sure you embrace what you have learned here…take it to heart and realize that you and I must put GOD first and JESUS first in our lives…If you can share the love and share the light of JESUS… Do it now…!!! ….it’s the only exit strategy for you and I and our friends and loved ones… to this huge mess the planet is in…!

JESUS said…”Love your neighbour as yourself”….your neighbour is everyone…!!!

