Why so Many Prophecy Interpretations…?

JESUS Warned Us

JESUS warns us in the last Chapter of the Bible / Book of Revelation…that…if we add one word into this book HE will add the plagues of this book to that person…and if we take away from the words of this book…He will take that person’s Name OUT of the Book of Life…!!!

Yet…it is routine for nearly every Bible author today to interpret and change words in The Bible.

This…”IS”…one of two reasons for so many Interpretations of Bible Prophesy.

This entire Site…”Coming to Get You” is founded on The King James Bible…written in The 1500s and authorized by King James of England.

But today…Authors are Hell bent on re-wording The Bible. I call many…if not all of them whore versions.

I own 6 Books…they are all The King James version of the Bible.

Please note: The New King James Version is also a whore version.

Bible Prophesy Came easy to me…this was The Holy Spirit leading me…but I did not use anything but King James!!

Here are some examples of adulterated Bible Verses.

Revelation 18 vs. 23 / This verse talks about JESUS…the Light of The Candle that shines within us…but…I checked 26 versions of the Bible and 26 changed Candle to “Lamp”.

We know “The Light of The Candle ” is JESUS from from Revelation 1 vs. 13 where we are told that: ” One like like The Son of Man” was in the Midst of The 7 Golden Candle Sticks.

This verse goes on to mention the voice bride and bridegroom…I used To think this verse was talking about a couple in their bedroom with lamp on.

Of course the bridegroom is JESUS and The Bride is His Church…Us…!

The same verse talks about sorceries (which is Covid 19) but many Bible versions have changed this word. Sorceries in Greek is Phamakeous…which is pharmaceutical…vaccines…!

Here is a little more on this verse…this is saying that if you take the vaccine…for Covid ..the light of JESUS will no longer shine in you…because the rich men of the planet…(I’m sure Bill Gates qualifies)…tricked all the nations with Sorceries… a Pharmaceutical…also…Bill Gates openly professes that he and his team of scientists have identified the gene in your brain that gets stimulated when you talk about GOD…and…they have developed a virus to kill that gene. That is what will be in the vaccine…so…thereafter…the light of a candle… JESUS, will no longer shine in you.

Be aware…and Beware…!

Even Isaiah warned us about Vaccines in Chapter 66… where he identifies the wicked eating swines flesh and the mouse together… both of these are about Vaccines…Swines Flu Vaccine…and the lastest vaccines which include the dna of the mouse…also…in Canada research is being done combining Pig and Mouse dna to come up with “Enviro-pig…a pig that doesn’t fart as much as a normal pig…ug…!!!

Ok…back to our verse… and Covid…

If you haven’t figured it out yet…Covid 19 is a New World Order agenda…all manmade…why…like the above verse states…To decieve / trick all the Nations…why…so they can introduce The New World Order Agenda… why…it  includes a one World Religion without JESUS in it…! That’s the Covid objective…note how they are shutting down all Churches…Hello…!

Here is a picture of Bill Gates wife wearing an upsidedown cross of JESUS…which is a salute to Satan…!


Here is another verse that is widely corrupted by Fake Bible Versions.

Revelation 13 vs. 16 warns us of The Mark of The Beast…that will be required / forced upon you. This Mark is designated to be put “in” your hand…but many Bible Versions have changed “in your hand” …to…”on” your hand.  This change conjures up possibilities like a tattoo…but if the Mark is designated to go “In” your hand, then it must be something else.

This…”something else” is easy to identify today…and goes hand n hand with the Covid Agenda…it’s a Medical Emergency Devise that Obama was asked to bring into US Law by:

Henry Kissinger for The New World Order .

It’s nicely hidden in Obamacare…and already US Law. It’s a Radio Frequency Identification Microchip that will be your New Global ID…to prove you been vaccinated…! The Obamacare documents leave no doubt…it is designated to be inserted into your Right Hand…!



So…ladies and gentlemen…that’s just 2 verses…both about 2021…that have been changed in many Bible Versions…just to trick you…and keep you from The Truth…The Truth of JESUS…!

Now…the second reason for so many Bible interpretations is the following:

Many Bible Preachers…I would say thousands and thousands…are following the teaching of manyTV Envangilists such as Hal Lindsay…David Jerimiaha…Chuck Swindol. These preachers (GOD forgive them and all of us who are wrong) were taught at Dallas Seminary. Dallas Seminary is teaching Doctrine that they adopted nearly 85 years ago.

So…I come along in 2016 and find  Adolf Hitler is The King of Fierce Countanence In Daniel 8…and I find Donald Trump in Daniel 11 vs. 45…and… Daniel 12 vs. 1.

The only reason that I have found these prophesies is the Holy Spirit…but also…I have Zero Bible training…so I went Exactly where the Bible led me…no preconceived ideas.

  • To summarize I believe that many preachers if not all of these preachers are so locked in to what they were taught, that they NEVER Ever go back to see if recent history can be applied to Bible Prophecy.

Think about it…Hitler didn’t reign till the 1940s…and Trump not till 2016…so how could they find this if they don’t go back to a King James Bible and really bear down and re-study…?!

So two major reasons that Bible Prophesies are misleading and so off the charts factually……Whore Bible Versions…and…mis-informed preachers…GOD. Bless you…!!!

More to follow tonight!