I literally have stopped watching the NEWS. There is only one reason for me doing so…please allow me to explain.
While I was writing the Home Page Book I was ALL OVER THE NEWS…that was absolutely necessary…but now with COVED and The Obamacare Microchip…the News is merely a build up to what I already know will happen…seriously folks.
COVED is in Revelation 18 22 and 23…Where the Craftsman will not be heard anymore / The economy…and The,,,The Great men of The Earth will deceive / Trick ALL THE Nations with a Pharmaceutical…The Bible calls it sorceress (make sure you are reading a King James version of The Bible) Sorceries in Greek is Phamakeus…Pharmacy / Big Phama.
And the Microchip that people are talking about and then not…is already a US Law and its in OBAMA Care…That is why Trump cant get Rid of it!
Revelation 13 states that we will not go grocery shopping soon without this thing in our Right Hand…its our debit card / global ID…all because of The New World Agenda COVED agenda…first a Vaccine to change you DNA away from GOD…and…then the Microchip…who need the News…UNLESS THEY START TALKING ABOUT THE BIBLE…and mark my words…They Will..and SOON!
One more thing…in 2nd Thessalonians it warns us about The man of Sin sitting in the Temple of GOD….which is our Bodies…when GOD is not invited IN…Satan Moves IN…The verse states that The Holy Spirit will hold back the viciousness of Satan residing in People until the end times…which is now…this is why you see absolute viciousness in protests all over the USA…Satan is being revealed in The Wicked.
Who are The Wicked…The Wicked DO NOT SERVE GOD…The Righteous do serve GOD.