6000 Years point at 2023 -2026

Time Will End…


plan will be Finished…!

JESUS said no Man or Angel or HE…Himself knew the Time of the End, and HIS Second Coming… only GOD…but…The Scriptures definitely Show us a Very Narrow Window where we can anticipate The Second Coming of JESUS…

For those who do not know…the Bible tells us that “Time will End” ...we learn this in Revelation 10 vs.5…and in the following verse…we learn that “…The Mystery of GOD should be finished…!

In this Blog I will outline 4 seperate assertions directly from the King James Bible, that narrow the Window where we can realistically expect to see Time End, and see JESUS in the Clouds…!

There is very little commentary added from me…it is not neessesary as the The KJV of The Bible clearly shows us the way.

Please allow me to start with a brief story…I heard directly from a man that the Bible just confused him…he went on to say…”all these begats and then more begats…followed dozens of more begats. Of course he was refering to the old testament where begat…meaning…gave birth to… is widely used to create for us, a timeline so we can add up the years associated with the History of The Bible.

In 1658 Reverend James Ussher penned a book called “Annuls of The World”.

In 1801 a Philidelphia printer published the 1st edition of The KJV of The Mathew Carrey Bible.

It is from these two books that a Chronology was created to pinpoint the exact timeline associated with all of Bible History. The following is a Summation in 7 Parts…I will add a link at the end of the Blog so you can see all the associated detail of persons mentioned in the Bible…it is copyright…so I didn’t want to import it here.


Ok…Let’s Begin:

  • From Adam to Noah is 1656 years
  • From Noah’s Flood to Abraham departing from Chaldean is 422 years
  • From Abraham departing from Ur in Chaldean to the departing of The Children of Israel is 430 years.
  • The Israelites from Egypt until the Building of The First Temple is 480 years.
  • From The building of The first Temple to Babylon Captivity is 419 years.
  • Captivity in Babylon is 70 years.
  • Rebuilding of the Temple is 483 years.

The Same 483 years (from Daniel 9) brings us to The Birth of JESUS.

Ussher and Carrey determined in 1801 that this Chronology brought us to 5775 years and 6 months…that is to say…Adam until 1801 is 5775 years and 6 months.

1801 – 2021 is 220 years / Total 5995.5 years

So…Today … August 2021 is 5995.5 years from Adam

In the Bible…7 is a number we see over and over…God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th day …The Precious Sabbath…Done…we also learn in the Bible that a day to LORD can be like a thousand years…also, in the Book of Revelation we learn that The Saints will reign with JESUS for a thousand years after the End…which implies the time period from 6000 until 7000 years.

The inferince here, although not specially spelled out in The Bible is that man’s reign will End at 6000 Years. If this is so, then based on the Chronology in The Bible, 6000 years…The End, will be in 4.5 years, which would point at 2026.

We will use this date as a benchmark as we now turn to 3 other areas in The Bible that also give us defined dates and circumstances.

Before we continue I would like to state that I am not a date setter…never have been or will be…nor is it the intention of this Blog…BUT…the Bible clearly narrows the window of The Return of JESUS “for us”…this cannot be ignored…!


The Book of Daniel

In 2018  as I continued to write the Home Page Book, I found an excellent video on You Tube from an Islamic Historian. I found it late at night…so I thought to listen in the morning as it entailed 3 hours of Islamic History.

I woke early the next morning…5 AM with a seemingly unwarranted sense of anticipation…this…I would soon find out ..was from The LORD.

I was barely 25 minutes in to the video when during some detailed explanation of the Origins of Islam, I heard the Narrator say…”The King of The North and King of The South”.

This Stopped me Dead in my Tracks…!

This cannot be overstated…I was immediately up in my chair…shouting…hey hey hey…hold on here ..I stopped the video immediately…thinking…could he be referring to the same King of The North and South from Daniel…?


The many months before watching this video I was totally stuck into The Book of Daniel…and my dream was to learn who The King of The North and South were…!

For detail read Chapter 18 on the Home Page Book where I outline a verse by verse comparison of Daniel 11 vs. 5 to 35…compared to Actual Islamic History.


I immediately turned to Daniel 11 vs. 5 where The Bible speaks of The King of The North and South…and turned on the video…it took just a matter of minutes and my spiritual and intellectual senses EXPLODED…

Good LORD…I was listening to a non Christian, Islamic Historian explain to me who The King of The North and South were in Daniel…and He didn’t even know it…!

I was Astonished and totally captivated…

I quickly perused these verses as I listened…quickly trying to find reference points tieing his commentary to specific verses…there were many…!

I listened…totally captivated…when I confirmed that Islamic History mirrors Daniel 11 vs. 5 – 35. The King of The North and South are the 2 Factions of Islam that we know today .. Sunni and Shiitte…! The King in Verse 5 is Muhammad…the Prince is Califfe Uthman…and the Daughter is Muhammad’s Daughter Aisha. Verse 7 is Aisha and then Califfe Ali in the Battle of The Camel…still celebrated in Islam today…! Verse 10 to 13 is the Battle of Siffin …where tens of thousands were killed…also Celebrated today in Islam. The 2 Sons in verse 14 are The Sons of Ali…Hassan and Hussein….and the list goes on… absolutely fascinating…!

How is this relevant to the essence of this Blog…? The biggest take-away is in the following…it absolutely cements, beyond a shadow of any doubt…just what The Abomination of Desolation is…!…as described below.

In verse 31 the Historian confirms the Califfe Malik built the Dome of The Rock Mosque which sits on The Temple Mount in Jerusalem…Today…!

This was in 688 AD… this date…after years of research unlocked Every Prophesy in The Book of Daniel for me…!

Ok…back to our Blog subject matter.

Daniel Chapter 12 is Crystal… Crystal Clear…this Is teaching about the Time of The END…of Time…! In verse 11…the verbiage Very Closely mirrors the text in Daniel 11 vs. 31.

In describing the Mosque that Califfe Malik built…The Bible calls it ” The Abomination that makes Desolate”…IE: The Abomination of Desolation…!

The Satanic Dome of the Rock Mosque that sits on The Temple Mount Today is The Abomination of Desolation…!

For those to whom this is a surprise ..and indeed a revelation…please know why this Mosque is an abomination to GOD…there are Islamic Inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock Mosque stating that GOD did not have a Son…!…The Ultimate Abomination…!

There are also Islamic Inscriptions depicting 666 as Mohammed’s Name…!

In verse 11 we are taught that there will be 1290 days… prophetically 1290 years to the end of Daniel’s Vision of a decimated, war torn and desolate Israel…the Physical and Spiritual Desolation… without peace. This verse states that the 1290 years starts from the date of the placing of the Building of The Dome of the Rock…688…so we add 1290 years which brings us to 1978 where Egypt… Israel’s long time enemy came to peace with Israel when Jimmy Carter. Menakin Begin and Anyar Sadat signed a Peace Treaty with Israel…and on the very night of their agreement…their was a sign from Heaven…A Full Red Blood Moon… September 17, 1978


In Verse 12 The Angel goes on to explain to Daniel that from the Time that The Abomination of Desolation is Set up till the end ..when The Saints are Blessed is 1335 years.

So … Islamic History tells us that the Dome of The Rock Mosque was placed in 688…and Set up… completed in 691…so let’s add:

  • 691 plus 1335 = 2026
  •        688 plus 1335 = 2023

This timeline is very close…a near mirroring of the timeline we arrived at in part 1 above…The 6000 years…but let’s dig deeper because I know from experience that the Bible is precise…so… I went to the Strongs Bible Dictionary and research “from the KJV Bible” and I found the answer I was searching for…allow me to explain:

In talking about the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel 11 vs. 31 the English word used is “place” ..IE: he shall place the building…makes sense…


In Daniel 12 vs. 11 the English word used is “Set Up” …IE: he shall “set up” the building…also makes sense…

But…it gave me pause, if not confusion that 2 different words are used for…”seemingly” the same meaning… place and set up

But…when I went to the Hebrew in Strong’s Dictionary…the same Hebrew word “was” used in both verses…! The Hebrew word used is…Natan’…!

This…then applies not only the same context for both verses…but the same meaning…and subsequently I have the answer to my concern…if 1978 was so accurate…688 + 1290 = 1978…Jimmy Carter…then 688 (not 691) + 1335 will also be accurate…2023 and The Second Coming of JESUS…ok…or perhaps this Blessed time is the Start of The Wrath of GOD…( See future blog “Understanding Biblical End Times and You”)… either way…now I can sleep tonight…makes perfect sense… Praise GOD…!

Now ..Let’s bring in more context for this term…”Blessed”, as stated in verse 12 above. Can we reasonably assume or conclude that this is refering to the Time of The End ..and The Second Coming of JESUS…?

In The Book of The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST, in Chapter 19 vs.9 we are taught that:

Blessed are those who are called to the Marriage Supper of The Lamb”

And in Chapter 20 vs.6 we are taught that:

Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection…

Both these verses are referencing The Second Coming of JESUS and The End…!…and both use the word Blessed.

So our originating verse from Daniel stated that Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days …and the preceding verses of Daniel are clearly talking of The Second Coming and The End…!…or The Start of The End which implies The Start of The Wrath of GOD.

So this ties them together into not only context…but timeframes ..2023…!

But let’s dig deeper…if…on the night when Jimmy Carter and Menachin Begin and Anyar Sadat agreed, there was a blood moon…then perhaps we can look forward into 2023 and see when there might be a blood moon. There are Four:

  • April 20th
  • May 5th
  • October 14th
  • October 28th

With the Above in mind, I researched if there are any comemerative days on the Jewish Calender that fall on any of these days…there was one:

On May 5th 2023 the Celebration of Pesach Sheni is coming. Pesach Sheni means Second Chance and Second Passover…so…We are all sinners in this current world and have fallen from what GOD expects from us…but we are given a Second Chance at the Second Coming if we recieve JESUS… And this second chance may fall on the Jewish Celebration comemorating a Second Chance…wow…all with a Red Blood Moon in site…just like 1978…fascinating possibility…!

So…May 5, 2023 seems to connect several dots ..which is always my intention…and…my thoughts on this…?

Well …”Totally shocked and…not surprised at all…!

Am I date setting…no…does The Bible alone lead me to the above… absolutely…slam dunk… something for us all to ponder…like ..really…ponder…what if…!?!?!

Think about it…!


PART Three

In The Book of Mark, Chapter 13 vs. 14 JESUS references The Abomination of Desolation…as he tells us…that it is “Standing where IT ought Not ..!…on The Temple Mount.

JESUS goes on to state that we are to Run from Islam…Flee…when you even look at this abomination…!

In Mathew 24 JESUS states that Pestelences will mark the time of the end just before HIS Second Coming. Pestelences means Plagues and Pandemic.

In Revelation 18 we learn about Corona Virus.

The Chapter starts with The crashing of The Economy in Mystery Babylon…This is depicting the USA…and perhaps The G-7 Nations…The Seven Headed Beast of Revelation 13.

In Verse 23 we learn that The Great (Rich) Men of the Earth (I think Bill Gates and Big Pharma qualify) decieved (tricked) all The Nations (Countries of The World)…by their Sorceries…Sorceries in Greek (The New Testament was written in Greek) is Pharmakeous….which means Pharmacy…Viruses ..Vaccines and Drugs…!…HELLO…! Are we all awake…!?!

For those who do not yet realize this…You ..I …We all have just witnesses Revelation 18 vs. 23 unfold before our very eyes ..!…but the worst is yet to come…The chapter states that the USA will burn…literally …!

The Manmade in Wuhan Corona Virus from Faucie’s Gain of Function research is the New World  Order Agenda…IE: to use it to Trick all The Countries of the World…and establish the Reset ..The New Normal ..This IS…The New World Order.. !

This is how they will control you today ..and tomorrow and forever.

How does this all timeline with our Blog assertions and 2026…and the 6000 years…? 

Revelation 18 is The Angel telling John how Mystery Babylon was taken down…it is past tense…so…if we Bring in The Mark of The Beast from Revelation 13…which I will explain below, and what Jesus told us, also below, we can see the timeline.

Mark of The Beast is your New Global ID Passport…it will prove your vaxination status and give you a New World Order ID number.

What you may not know is that this digital passport…as they like to call it is nicely hidden in Obamacare. It is a Radio Frequency ID Microchip…not unlike the one on your credit card…

but it will be 5G like the upcoming wave of new cell phones and create a tracking matrix that will forever enslave each person to comply with every New World Order Agenda…masks…distancing and much more.

So…how can we timeline this group of events…?

Well .. JESUS spoke of a time of horror / tribulation like no other in the history of man…!

I believe that we are already down this path where the stage has been set to Close Churches…declare the Bible as hate speach because it is not inclusive…and forcing science ( much man made crap) down every throat.

I also believe that after a little more bellywhoing about vaxinne passports…Bill Gates and Company will point at The Obamacare RFID…and majically determine…that’s the solution…!!!…keep in mind ..it is already US Law…and ..that’s why Trump couldn’t get rid of Obamacare…and the implementation of the microchip into Obamacare was Obama’s most important achievement for The New World Order…they must have it for their 5G Tracking Matrix…This “IS” the end game of The Corona Virus Deployment…and exactly where The Planet is headed…it’s all in Revelation 13…no grocery shopping without the RFID microchip in your right hand…and it’s clear in the Obamacare Document…it will go into your right hand…!

So…can we timeframe this …yes I could paint you a timeline picture…but I think suffice to say…that the above few paragraphs will culminate in the Tribulation that JESUS spoke of…and the timeframe…2026 fits like a glove…but at the pace at which I see The New World Order Agenda unfolding, I think it could be sooner. If we go back to our Abomination of Desolation dates…and use 688 instead of 691 (starting and ending dates) we would be looking at 2023…once again…I see this getting ugly very fast…they have a firm grip on the World….they will not relinguish it now…and watch The G7 Nations….they are the toughest and roughest on the planet with Covid and lockdown…they are The 7 headed Beast ( 7 mountains /continents on which the Whore Sits / Globalism and the 7 Nation G7 Beast of Revelation 13 vs. 1…being carried by a Red Dragon…CHINA who’s role was to do the Scary Scary Scary…oh my goodness…so Scary…

Scary…Scary…Oh so Scary…made for TV movie ..!… Exactly how Covid started and what we are seeing today…! My goodness …the gulable people of the world.

Just as importantly JESUS said that from the budding of The Fig Tree…very typically associated with Israel becoming a Nation in 1948…The Generation that sees this will not pass until All Things (The end) is fulfilled.

A generation is 70 to 80 years in the Bible (expectable life span)…Psalm 90 vs.10

  • 1948 plus 70 years is 2018
  • 1948 plus 80 years is 2028


 2026 is in that Window Timeframe…!


Daniel’s 70th week is a much misinterpreted subject of The Bible. It refers  to the 7 x curse that GOD warned the Jews about in Leviticus 26. Daniel confirms this in Daniel 9 11 where he laments the fact that the Curse has been cast on his people.

Ultimately the Jews broke their Covanent with GOD and because of awhoring…and idolizing other gods ..and drunkenness GOD exercised His Curse on them. This curse lasted 2520 Hebrew / 2484 Solar years…538 BC till 1948 when Israel became a Nation.

This same timeframe depicts the timeframe of foreign occupation of Israel.

The 2520 years are Ezekiel’s ( Chapter 4 vs.5 and 6) 430 less 70 years in Babylon leaving 360 x Daniel’s 7 = 2520…and in the Midst / middle of the 2520 Hebrew years / 2484 Solar Years the Abomination of Desolation was set up…The Satanic Dome of the Rock Mosque…688 AD…!

But there was one more reason for GOD to exercise his 7 times curse on the Jews. The Jews would not keep The Sabbath…part of which was allowing the fields…pasture and growing fields to rest…!

The Sabbath day is precious to The LORD…and it is one of the 10 Commandments…which starts with the word…”REMEMBER…!

This is the precious 7 day cycle that GOD demanded since 1445 when the Sabbath started .. with Moses.

How does this tie to our Blog subject matter and the 6000 years…?

After 7 x 7 Sabbath years…49 years…there is a Jubilee Year…a year of celebration… GOD demands this. The Jews ignored it…so they ultimately paid the price in Hitler’s ovens…because of GODS 7 times curse…!!!…!!! Are we all listening…?

But…as we count the number of Jubilees since the First with Moses centuries ago…we conclude that the 70th Jubilee of all time is 20242025…Hmmm…!

Sevens 7 and 70 have many important meanings to GOD….and many are in The Bible.

Blog Summary

I believe…that…

The Bible teaches us that The Second Coming of JESUS is between now and 2028…and most likely…2023…be ready…!


See you “There”…!


I would like to thank The LORD for continuing to show me Bible Prophecy…and I would like to point out the obvious…that is…until you know who The King of The North and South are…you cannot unwrap Daniel’s Prophesies.

JESUS is the Son of GOD…He is returning soon…and..when he appears in The Clouds…it will be toooo late to acknowledge Him as The One and Only Saviour of all mankind…!…including you and your loved ones…!

Click on…

Be Right with GOD…on the main menu…To understand how to be ready…

…and please realize…please…that the alternative clearly…very clearly will mirror Hitler’s Ovens…only worse…you won’t be able to die.



GOD Bless you…!

Chronological Index of the Years and Times from Adam unto Christ


More coming shortly…