From the Bible
2 things are identified in Revelation 13…The Mark…and…Worship….the beast / government will cause (force) something into your right hand….and 2,…you will be expected to bow down and worship.
The USA is a part of mystery Babylon…the beast in the Bible is The 8th king of revelation 17 11 Pope Francis… who carries the whore…Semiramis from biblical Babylon and the Roman Catholic Church and all the whore goddess religions in the world.
Mystery Babylon is that great city divided into 3 parts…(Revelation 16 19) (revelation 17 18 ) ….3 parts…All Soverign states…Downtown London City…not a part of Great Britain…the Vatican…not part of Italy…Wash DC…not a part of the USA….all 3 have Goat Penis monuments from biblical Babylon…the Washington Monument…this is likely the image of the beast as described in Daniel 3
These 3 cities make up the New World Order Headquarters
COVED and the economic collapse is in revelation 18 / 22 and 23…Craftsmen shall no longer be heard in you…and…the greatest merchants of the earth (Big Pharma) will decievce (trick) the Nations with their Sorceries…Sorceries in Greek is Pharmakeus… pharmaceuticals!!!!! Read KJV Bible Only!
The vaccine should be avoided at all costs but it of itself is not the Mark…Bill Gates is talking about a digital ID that can be injected WITH the vaccine…this is the RFID microchip that will be your global ID and debit card…and it is already US Law…all Nicely hidden in Obamacare as a Medical device…and you will not be able to buy or sell Anything without it !
The end game for COVED is to get that RFID in your hand…the vaccine is irelevent..COVED is an agenda just for that purpose…like revelation says…trick the nation’s into a vaccine but all they really want is to track you and turn you into a 5g antenna so you will be a part of the upcoming 5g Matrix.
Keep in mind that Islam is lurking…and the Vatican created Islam and wrote the Koran…they wear the Shahada on the right hand and forhead…which has a 666 designation as does the Pope’s crown.
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JESUS second coming is Soon…be ready…repent…repent…be humble…