It’s interesting…The Muller Report turns up…Nothing…The Senate Investigation…turns up nothing…The Congress Report…turns up nothing…and the 4th report, whatever it was…Turns up nothing…I mean REALLY…OH wait…let’s impeach him…OH…No crime…Oh well let impeach anyways. To all sane people out there…please…2+2 = 4…they are all chasing something that is’nt there!
I wont list anything that he has done that is Great for the Country…but really folks…CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
Bush and Obama had The New World Order Agenda to an inch of The Finish Line…Then Trump got in the way…Now they are doing anything…everything…to get rid of him so NAZI USA can be ushered in. Hillary was the one chosen to just push the final few buttons…and…DONE…take your guns…just like HITLER did…then BOOOOMMMM…health care disaster and the Obama Care Microchip would be enforced…which is The Mark of The Beast in The Bible…and…you ARE NOW A SLAVE !
Read Chapter / Part 3
Wake UP America…there is a hook in your Jaw and you are being led down the Garden Path to Destruction…Destruction by Satan…Wake UP!!!