I was asked recently by a good friend to make an updated comment and Blog post on COVID.
So…really…this is not Rocket Science…and unless you have been watching mainstream media…you already know the following.
Before I comment… You do realize that Rothschild and his many mingons own 95% of the media on the Planet…don’t…you…? If not…Wakee Wakee!
So…We, You And I can debate any facet of The COVID agenda that you like…whatever it may be…we can all have our own opinion…no problem…but …
…Here is the one thing we cannot debate…just one…one underlying detail…of gargantuan significance…
Every Country on Planet Earth has been tricked…!
Seriously…no debating…no…your opinion is not allowed…not on this one tiny yet significant detail…
You see…in Revelation 18 23…we are told that the Rich Merchants of The Planet ( I think Big Pharma and Bill Gates, Faucie etc qualify) by their Sorceries Tricked all the Nations…Sorceries in Greek is Pharmakeous…which is Pharmacy… Vaccines, Drugs and Viruses…(use King James Bible ONLY…!!!)
So…Big Pharma is trying desperately to get whatever is in that vaccine…into your body…ever wonder why…?…have you even investigated…have you ever looked at the American Medical Association Logo ..?
They don’t even hide it…there is The Serpent…Snake in plain View…Hello…wake up…! This serpent logo has its origins in The Greek god of Healing…dating back centuries.
And of Course The world Health Organization has adopted the same snake on its flag…so…
…do you think these are really nice forthright organizations….really…!?! The Greek practices were that the sick were locked in a dark room and snakes cwawled all over you…seriously…talk about snake oil charmers…that’s the American and Canadian and World Health Organization…you didn’t really think these organisations want you to be healthy…doyou…?!?…$$$$$$
So for those who have been vaccinated…and have adopted a Holier that thou attitude…perhaps you should…shut up…you are the one who has been tricked by your Pro-Big Pharma Government…the unvaccinated are not interested in being tricked…moreso…we can’t figure out why you are so easily sucked in…and down…we realize that you are uninformed…which it why this Blog has been written…but we don’t understand how willing you are to be seen as stupid…it’s really quite amazing…!
So…was there a time when Big Pharma was your actual friend…?…well when I was in school we got Vaxed and were given these pink sugar cubes with Vax in them…and some diseases were eraticated…so, perhaps and likely yes…but in 1986 the US Congress gave the Vaxine Industry immunity…but…this same law was subject to Congress being responsible and doing safety checks…to keep The Vax industry in Check.
So…now that The Beast controls Washington,
let’s discuss how many safety checks Congress has done…are you ready…zero…0…none in 35 years…so who controls who…and how many congressmen / law makers have $$ been $$ bought by $$ Big Pharma…?!?
Doctors in the US are automatically given huge $$ for dealing with each COVID Case…be it the cause of death or just one of many complications…and Doctors and Registered Nurses by the Thousands are condemming whats happening in hospitals and doctors offices…no longer willing to be a part of The Big Pharma Agenda.
Ladies and Gentlemen …BigPharma”Is” your Government…if you are depending on your Government to protect you…you are living in a fantasy world..!…and now it’s global…!
So… entrepreneur Bill Gates sees an opportunity to make $$$$…then seizes the opportunity to capitalize by funding the Vax industry….Hello…time to Wake up…!
Now…add to this that each country that contracts with Pfizer must also provide Pfizer with immunity…to the extent that any given country must use their State Assets to protect Phizer….the following video uncovers how The Vaxine Industry can only Profit and never ever face a loss of any kind whatsoever.
So we are called to obey The Powers that are Ordained of GOD…does this mean, Your Government,,,?…not at the expense of being Decieved… in the Bible we learn that God puts all Kings in place…But if we are to be specific about Vaccines…we have to go back to Revelation 18 23…where we learn that the Nations / Governments have been decieved by Pharmakeous / Pharmacy……so are we to follow along with a decieved Government…?…Jesus was emphatic and repetitive…and direct about this…
BE not DECIEVED …!!!
Mathew 24 vs. 4
…”Take heed that No Man Decieve You”…!
We are also taught to run from evil …so remember this verse:
Proverbs 22 vs.3
A prudent man foreseeth evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
So, if you view Big Pharma as Evil…and are being Decieved by them…and your Government…you run from them and from their products…you don’t run to them to get their products…!
So allow me to connect the Dots…Bill Gates seizes a ” guaranteed win” business plan… funds a pandemic… supplies the vaccine remedy…all nicely wrapped in a deciet ridden and bulletproof business agenda…which…as Revelation 18 23 states…Decieved all The Nations of The Planet.
Do you think Bill Gates would engage in such a deceitful agenda…well…there very little known about any religious or spiritual conviction about Mr Gates…but his recent x-wife is an open Satanist…here is a picture of her wearing an upside down CROSS…which is a Salute to Satan…
Now with regards to The Bible…clearly it says…be not Decieved… Revelation 18 23 KJV Bible is our warning…!
The Holy Bible is…”HOLY…The King James Version is always 100% accurate…so no debate…your comment is not required…it…like mine is worthless…but The Bible spells it out perfectly…
…Decieved…Tricked…and what does Satan do best…Decieve…and Trick You…!
So…with all the above in mind…can we now define exactly how the Nations have been tricked…?
Let’s try to connect the Dots:
- China’s role was to do the Scary Scary Scary made for TV / You Tube Movie…and wow…were they ever successful…amazing…an entire Planet in Panic Mode…(stupid people)
- Then the Rothschild Media spread the fear fear fear thing…with more scary scary scary…and all the stupid people bought it hook line and sinker…they are still doing it today…!
- Then Bill and Big Pharma come up with the miracle answer…the Vax, which was planned 15 years ago
- Then…based on scary scary scary…the Nations mortgage their countries Assets to get a Vax in one year that usually takes over 10 years
- Vax providers likely said in their boardrooms…If these countries are Stupid enough to sign our agreement…who cares what’s in the Vax…!
- Then because Bill Gates was such a great funding source…they adopt his wishes…knowing there is no liability
Gotcha…Sign here…Nations Tricked…just like The Bible Says…!
And what’s in the Vax…???…What…you don’t know…???…what are you doing with your time in this most important time in Human History…still combing your hair and polishing your nails…hey…wake up…look around…get educated…warn your friends and family…!!!
Nothing is hidden…Mr. Gates told us his wishes…he and his scientists have discovered the gene in your brain that gets stimulated when you talk about GOD…to him…this makes you a fanatical terrorist…and…his scientists have developed a virus that will attack and kill that gene in your brain (see video on Home Page)
So, what’s in the Vax…a little virus to kill that gene in your brain…
Same verse in The Bible warns us…specifically about this…it says...and the Light of a Candle shall shine no more in thee, at all…!
Proverbs 20 vs.27…The Spirit of man is the Candle of The LORD…
What do you read…The New York Times…Wake Up…!!!
This is telling us that the Vax can alter your brain…and put it at odds with your spirit.
The Vax is turning you into something that you are not…and turning Big Pharma and their many mingons into Trillionairs…and the Vax will also make you sick…so they can take the rest of your money taking care of poor you…!!!…Hello…!
And who is leading the charge…who else…The Mother of Harlots / Whore in Rome…The Bible warns us of the Beast…and who is The Beast meeting with to make sure you get Vaxed…?!?!
Is he meeting with the Poor…no… This man…The Beast…this “Snake…and supreme deciever is meeting with most powerful people of the planet…to plan the demise of your future… hello…wake up people…!
And do we know that he is the Beast of the Bible…of course we do… it’s advertised on the Pope’s crown…
Everything is in plain sight…
Note the meaning of this Latin Phrase… Instead of Christ…!
Now let’s read Mathew 24 vs. 4 +5…Take heed that no man decieve you…For many shall come in my name, saying…I am Christ…( Exactly what the Pope says)…and shall decieve many…!
…time to Wake up people… don’t be a sheeple.
Oh…and what’s my opinion…?
Faucie and Company developed this Virus in Wuhan specially to unleach it in the Planet… period.
Why…to put you under total Control… Satan’s master plan…!
What’s the end game…?
It’s hidden in Obamacare…!…and it IS US Law Now…!
A Radio Frequency (5g same frequency as your next Cell Phone) Devise for your right hand…so they can Track you in the 5G tracking Matrix that is being deployed as we speak…by your favorite Cell phone provider…!
They sucked in millions of usually intelligent people…to wear a mask…next is the Obamacare RF medical ID in your right hand.
Today ..no groceries without a mask…tomorrow…no groceries without a RFID microchip in your right hand…yes the same one that’s in your debit credit card today…!
So how far will you get sucked in…?
In the mean time…shut up…you are the one that has been tricked…not too late to wake up…!…please…wake up…!
Revelation 13 says:
No man will buy or sell groceries without the Mark of the Beast in his Right Hand.
Do you not see that The Beast Governments are running the COVID Agenda…!?!
Just remember…if you are pro mask and Vax…shut up…! Don’t bragaboutyour stupidity.
JFK warned us
50 years ago…
PS….their is only One Exit Strategy from this Massive Mess…Run to JESUS.
JESUS is The Son of GOD…he is returning soon and when He Appears in the Clouds…it will be too late to Receive Him…you will end up in a place 100s of time worse than Hitler’s Ovens…
Why worse…you ask…
You will be in a lake of fire…tormented forever…AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DIE…!
To know you are Right with GOD…click on…
Be Right with GOD…
On The Main Menu
…in the mean time Shutup…!…if you are one of those with the Holier than Thou attitude…!
We already know you are stupid…you need not remind us…oh…and make sure you…
Pick the right set of Stairs…!
You don’t want to End up in The “