If you have read much of the content on this site, you know that I don’t specifically point out Democrat…
Psalm 91 vs. 1 – 10 / My Refuge and My Fortress 1He that dwelleth in the secret place of…
In Part 3 of The Home Page Book, I identify that The Bible tells us “pointedly” that Big Pharma /…
I used to ask people if they know JESUS…and Do they believe…I got many answers…many of which prompted me to…
The Bible references our Tongue: James 3 vs. 6 / And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity:…
When I was a Boy I had a dog named Cacao…since then I have not had a dog as a…
20+ years ago, The LORD allowed me to design and build an amazing resort like custom home. This project took…
In a recent discussion with my friend Chris, I learned of an amazing story about the final moments in Steve…
It’s interesting…The Muller Report turns up…Nothing…The Senate Investigation…turns up nothing…The Congress Report…turns up nothing…and the 4th report, whatever it was…Turns…
I was working the other day and this song came on the radio…I headed straight for the volume control…this was…